Interviews on behaviour modification

last edited April 29, 2024, 2:24 p.m. by Steve

3-28 Behavior Modifications


  1. undum yot nalasi megite tugub inda ina nog wong ab igugund? (when kids behave badly how do parents tell them off?)
  2. undum yot nala, wondoob iguguma ig? (do you hit kids who misbehave?)
  3. mohis agabi heleb, yot nala, inda ina nog mu wondoob igugund, loogooneeng wig, megite tugub onn ong amb igugund? (you can't hit a big kid, so how do you tell him off?)
  4. megite tugub komuniti mohis yot ong amb igugund? (how does the community tell off a bad person?)
  5. mohis ab es mu pasum neleb igugund, hig neleb igugund nom ogoo stolii amee (story about thieves only stealing when hidden)
  6. mohis hiyol ogoo wog ab es, kommunity ab nom agamb egendee agamb, bili igu, omoo onnol tol ab ogoo, famili singu agamb wog enninnot heleb igu. Mohis endeteeng igugund ig? endet ab es nom mohis bili, ab hoogoot mohis yot. (are there guys who are good when in public, but aggressive when with their families?)
  7. mohis ambul ambul mohismey nog, wog omonn endet holoo his ig? oo mohis mey wog omonn wes neleb igugund? (are old guys and young guys the same in behaviour, or different?)


Interview - Ilal, behaviour modification
last edited April 29, 2024, 2:24 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Set, behaviour modification
last edited April 29, 2024, 2:24 p.m. by Steve