Kobumbua myth about bird and fish

last edited May 8, 2024, 9 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology cargo


22 April 2024. Guys from Kobumbua needed to tell us this story. I had to make time to get the recorder and grab this tumbuna story. It's about fish people making ships and bird people making planes. The Kovol ancestors had two guys who invented these things and left, forgetting about the bush people. I felt an undercurrent of cargo in this story. I asked clarifying questions and I think I caught the story (especially with the Tok Pisin thrown in), but don't know why they think it is significant.

I asked Chris Hostettor about it and he guesses that the guy might be telling the story and hoping I confirm it for him and then communicate that we're going to fulfil the story and bring cargo.


Kobumbua guy - the fish and bird myth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Kobumbua guy

Orthographic text

(our ancestors had this story. Two guys got up and went down to the ground, the two left and were at Manina, they were in the Sepik, -they were sepik men?- A bird called a sosoogul, it's liver -egg?- they put on a plate, the man saw the egg and broke it onto a plate. A fish egg was there, that was put on a plate. The fish from a small swamp, he put the baby fish on a wood plate. He broke the bird egg, he broke the fish egg. The ancestors storied about the bird and the fish. The bird, the sosoogul goes mwaaaammmmm, that's the sound it makes. The fish goes saaaaaaaaa, that's what the ancestors said. The two guys shaved planks. One guy killed the bird and got his first liver, the other got the wing of the fish then the two Kovol guys shaved planks. One made a ship, one made a plane. He was at a deep river, he went on the river. They made a ship and a boat, but the engine wouldn't turn on, but he got the bird liver and put it in the plane, the wing of the fish went in the ship and then the ship went. God sent these men and then they went. -seems to be end of story- Who made the ship and who made the plane? I'm going to tell you! The story is the plane was made and went, the ship was and went on the river Gwam, -the river at ?- the ship followed the Gwam, the plane was in the air. It went to the Sepik, they were in the Sepik. They got up and went down, went to Elees and then to the white country. They made the ship and plane and went. Where did the plane go to? To KoyaKoya, to the base of the Digicel tower. So they went and they gave the cargo to the white man. They made the things clear for the white, again they came down, they came again on the road. They came and worked and worked and did God's work, they did money work, they came to Madang and finished the town. They reserved it and put a prison, -made Matamanot?-, -they threw something in prison?-, that's what the our Wanuma ancestors storied, they turned their backs on us. It's clear in town, the light is in town, but they turned their backs on us. Guys in town are they ship or plane people? They are both. So they made town, but then left you? Yes. They made town and then hid, they put it in prison and hid. They hid it, but are still eating it. Eating and Jesus came and he followed them. Jesus came and followed this good, he went to the white man country and then he came back is what they say. One made a plane, one made a ship. Was Jesus a plane person or ship person or don't you know? We don't know. The ship person and plane person were before, then when Madang was finished Jesus came and walked around. So the ship and plane people left you, will they come back and show their faces again? We don't know... They came, they came to the prison, will they come again or not? They are there. When they know they will come. You guys knew and you came that's what they say. They say if you think about them they will come, if you don't they won't, that's what our ancestors said. We are going to translate God's word, and then teach you. Is it the same work, the ship and plane work or is it different? It's one. Are we white people plane people or ship people? We don't know. I don't know either, that's why I'm asking. The guy who made the plane was called Kulubob and Manubob was the guy who made the ship. Is that the end of the story? Yes, that's the end. Thanks, I've recorded it and I'll listen again. My co-workers will listen. Our ancestors story we've just told. The plane goes mwaaaaam, they put a bird's liver in it. The ship goes swaaaa, just like the fish. Is it true or not? We've just told it. It's good you said it. Afterwards we'll teach you the Bible, we'll teach the truth and then you guys will decide if this is a true story or not. That's your job, we'll teach and afterwards you'll decide.)

Samuel - response to story
last edited May 8, 2024, 9 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(do you know this story? We'll just follow what they say, we don't know it. So that's just a Kobumbua story? It's a story humann Why do you think he came to tell it? He wanted to, they're sharing a tumbuna story that they want you to know. One made a ship and one made a plane, they heard it and just shared it with you. Do you guys have a story with a ship and a plane? We've just heard this story. Recaps the story. you guys come by helicopter so we'd talk about that and not a ship. We don't have that type of fish here. The thinking is that long ago ancestors some were good and left and created town and planes, is your thinking the same? We don't know this story, our ancestors didn't tell it. The root of it is that grandad got up.) henee nom endeet tatugum salibigoot nom salib endet onn ndugandum tripela es sondugoot nom, ombu hutam es sondugoot nom. hutee hooyom omboo yat ig hooyom og wig ab ogoo agamoot nom endet endeteeng nom wogolob nom yat i yog hooyom omboo haga oboot. (We tell stories like that Do you know the name of those guys? Shem, Ham and Yapet. One stayed in the bush and 2 went away, he gave birth to us and that's what grandad has said. You're this, they're that, they made things and came with planes and cars. That talk they shared with them. The Bible coming is true, the two got knowledge and the one stayed nothing in his place. That's what I'm thinking. Do you think the story is true? We don't know. The story is just told. The Bible talks about 3 men, one work went out and two went inside. Two made things, things went on top and one didn't. Long ago they told this story, the Bible came and we understood it was true that it was 3 people who split up. The Bible came and we understood. )

Set - reaction to Kobumbua myth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(it's the story of how everything came up here and went out. We have the same story, it's a story nating. We're in darkness, he took the good and went. Dad cut planks and made drums, plates and a ship, he was a Kovol man. There were 5 men. They made houses, gardens and white men things?.... Is it true, or don't you know? It's a story that's there, the "his" is true. So it's true? He said it nothing and it's there if he hadn't said it it wouldn't be there. So long ago everyone was here in Kovol and people separated, some going to the white countries and now we've come? He agrees, that's what was said. So we're the same family? Yes, we're one family and if we become one family it'll be good.) (do you know this talk? Have you heard it? Yes we've heard it, it's a story nothing and the "kis" has come. Madang came up. So you think you thought of us and we came is that it? There was talk and thinking and you came. What prison were they talking about? The Madang prison, it's stoli kumann. What did they put in the prison? They came and made Madang and then put the knowledge in the prison. The knowledge to make white man stuff? Yes, that knowledge. Is that humann or true? We just tell the story, you've come and we're going into the garden. So long ago everyone was here, then they scattered, some went to the white man country, came back, made Madang, and then hid the knowledge and left you? Yes the knowledge was hidden and you guys have come to make it clear) 00:09:00 (is the Bible translation work we will do the same thing? yes it's one The knowledge to get things in the prison, that knowledge we'll give you? Yes From the Bible? yes. We don't have services when we understand and are educated it'll be better. You'll put the Bible talk clearly. So we'll teach the Bible and then what? It'll be good)

Sibil - Reaction to Kobumbua myth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(He doesn't know the story. He identifies the names given as a Karkar myth of which he's heard parts, but he doesn't know the story. He launches into an extensive retelling of the Bible story instead. When asked what he thought about the Kobumbua guys identifying Bible teaching with this myth he responded along the lines that they were ignorant. People who understand the Bible well leave those kinds of myths behind. This text will be very useful for Bible vocabulary.)