interviews about sex

last edited May 8, 2024, 9:24 a.m. by Steve

3-14 Sex & Reproduction


  1. teme nog mandoo, hobol amb iguguna ig? oo inann heleb iguguma ig? (do you talk about sex or do you get ashamed?) 2, yog tol ab undum wogonong agamb, mohis ubiyab, endet nonn teme mandinim eb megite ab ogoo mandeb iguguma ig? (your houses are busy, where do you do business with your wife?)
  2. ig moloomunn teme nog mandeb honn honn ogoo musu oboob igung, musu oboob teme nog mandeb abagam bili igu. teme nom endet holoo his? wog abagam bili igugund ig? (men are sex driven, are women the same?)
  3. honn hiyol ogoo teme hes laba onn nog mando logoonenng wig, nom nogul ig? (is it right that you can't be with your wife when she has a period?)
  4. bili angonn ig? teme hes lebegee? (was that the right vocabulary?)
  5. teme palug, mohis mu mondo hobol nom igu ig? (what's the vocabulary for a virgin?)
  6. ab ogoo mohis teme mu mandeb igugund. mohis mohis nog mandeb igugund, nom ab ogoo ig oo wig ig? (is homosexuality a thing here?)


Interview - Aiben, sex
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:24 a.m. by Steve

Interiew - Semik, sex
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:24 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Mogam, sex
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:24 a.m. by Steve