questions about child birth

last edited May 8, 2024, 9:26 a.m. by Steve

3-14 Sex & Reproduction


  1. mohis teme nog mandeg, megite tugub undum tugwann ig? (when a man sleeps with a woman how does a child come?)
  2. teme mohis mu mandeb undum tugub igu ig? (do women who don't sleep with men have children?)
  3. teme teenn undum tugub igugund? oo teme hiyol ogoo nom loogooneeng wig? megite henee ogoo wog undum mu tugub igugund? (are some women barren, and why?)
  4. tumag undum tugub igugund ig? (do old women have children?)
  5. undum noononn megitet bili ig? 4, 5? (what is a good amount of children?)
  6. honn ogoo teme undum hes sann hala, mogom teme tuloomb igu ig? (who looks after a woman while she is giving birth?)
  7. honn hiyol ogoo undum yot es sann heleb igugund? endet obugum wig, oo menn yot oo pint nom? undum yot endet ina megite mee egee nann ig? (are disfigured children born, and what would mum do?) 8.undum ina mesisoo agamb, wononn wig. nomol og, endet megite tugub undum bili egee hann? (how does a baby in the womb survive without air?)
  8. ig hutam honn ogoo undum ombul oboomung. twins nom yog musu igu ig? endet hiyol ogoo hutam tulomb, hutam wendeb igugund. (do you have any thinking about twins? In some places they kill one)


Interview - Aiben child birth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:26 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, child birth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:26 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Mogam, child birth
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:26 a.m. by Steve