questions about anger and justice

last edited May 8, 2024, 9:34 a.m. by Steve

6-3 Standard Procedures & Legal Norms


  1. honn hiyol ogoo mohis hutee enninnot agabisig, mohis yot ogoo hobol amb "noon wonda egee uminn" eb igu? ab ogoo igu ig? (are there ever death threats here?)
  2. Adam undum, kain able nom. kain abagam yot heleb soogu wonda umut, nim sog hobol iguwot, yog ab ogoo endeteeng igu ig? mohis hutee onn soogu wonda umb igu? (Cain killed Abel, do you guys have brothers killing each other here?)
  3. mohis hutee onn sogu wonda ungot, kommuniti megite mee egee nelis? (what would the community do with someone who murdered their brother?)
  4. Pasum mohis noonn minda aba, enninnot egee heninn ig? (would you get mad if a thief stole your things?)
  5. enninnot nom, bili ig oo yot ig? (is that anger good or bad?)
  6. mohis hutee minda minda pasum nala, pasum mohis nom moogom kommuniti hooyom wig. megite tugub wog hooyom oboob, pasum mohis hooyom helis ig? (how would the community find a hidden thief?)
  7. honn hiyol ogoo mohis yot yot neleb yab yab i, kommunity holu heleb wog egee amis "ab ogootelee, noon mu egee igitee" nom endeteeng egee amis ig? (would the community ever banish someone?)
  8. Satade hutam ogoo kot klan pusilim munum noonoonn utumind. honn hiyol ogoo kot hobol amb "mohis yot wondas" eb igugund ig? (do courts ever order the beating of a wrong doer?)


Interview - Samuel, anger and courts
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:34 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Mogam, anger and courts
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:34 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Soso, anger and courts
last edited May 8, 2024, 9:34 a.m. by Steve