interview about sins

last edited May 14, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by Steve

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 3-25 Etiquette & Ethics


  1. mohis hiyol ogoo bili neleb igugund, hiyol ogoo yot neleb igugund? oo mohis teenn yot neleb igugund ig? (do some people behave well and some badly, or do we all behave badly?)
  2. omonn yot hebigondoo om megite mee? omonn yot agabisig om megite mee? (whats a big sin and what's a bad sin?)
  3. hogu mohis, om megite mee? (what's an hogu mohis?)
  4. baibel "sin" ogoo amb igu. sin om megite mee? (what is sin?)
  5. ig yot nosu, God enninnot heleb igu ig? (if we sin does God get angry?)
  6. megite tugub God tutumul heleb igu ig? (how does God cool down?)
  7. megite henee ogoo ig mohis musu yot salamb igung? ig musu bili honn honn ogoo mu salamb yot salamb igung? (why do we follow bad thinking?)
  8. mohis sin neleb, mena his om megite mee? (what is the fruit of sin?)


Interview - Semik, sins
last edited May 14, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Soso, sins
last edited May 14, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Aiben, sins
last edited May 14, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by Steve