Interview about origins

last edited May 22, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology


  1. megite tugub mee mee teen salibigot ig? (how was everything created?)
  2. huwannin ebinnam nom hotugunee igugund. Megite meee huwaninn ebinnam nog asam igu ig? (what's above the sun and moon?)
  3. enn holoomot humum asamtesi, yolu egee yann. Megite henee ogoo ebinnam mu yolu yab igugund? (why does the moon not fall down?)
  4. yog tatagum hot, tatagum hobol nom megite tugub yombonn salibigot ig? (how did the ancestors say the world was made?)
  5. God mohis nooloot. yombonn oboob, his hogu pigeb, wonong yogumo pigoot. moloomunn endeteeng, megite tugub God teme nooloot ig? (how did God make woman?)
  6. oo God nomol agabi pendebiguwa toboot. Nomol a tabasi mohis teenn umemind, noah his agamoot. hobol nom amee (tell me about the flood story)
  7. oo God moogut hutee nooloot, onn unim Eden, Moogut nom megite ab ogoo nooloot ig? heni ig oo genee ig? (Did God make The garden of Eden nearby or far away?)


Interview - Soso, myths 1
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Sibil, origins
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(this interview was long and dense. I've split different myths and stories off to be their own CEs) 1: 0:00:00 (God spoke and everything came up.) 2: 0:00:49 (The moon is in the middle, the sun is in the sky. I don't know. I don't know what the moon is made of) 3: 0:02:15 (No idea, it's just there) 4: 0:02:58 5: 0:06:30 (bird story begins): 0:06:55 (bird story finish, start evangelist story): 0:17:58 (we were decieved after Eden): 0:19:27 story about clans): 0:19:54 6: 0:23:10 (flood story): 0:23:36 7: 0:29:32

Interview - Set, origins
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

Semik - Where is Eden?
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:07 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(We've heard the name Eden, but we don't know if it's in our place, your place or in the sky)