Interviews about cosmology

last edited May 22, 2024, 8:12 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology


  1. yombonn, mee mee teenn nom, wi egee hann ig? oo singelinn singelinn egee agamb mu wi egee hann ig? (will the earth end?)
  2. ab heven nom. his ig? noogul ig? ab ondomboo ig wig? (is heaven real, where is it?)
  3. mohis heven ilinim eb, megite mee onn egee nann ig? mohis moogom hotugunee egee tebis, mohis moogom ab mut egee tebis? (who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?)
  4. hobol mohis heem heem nom moogom? (who was the first hobol person?)
  5. God Adam nooloot. Adam noonn inda ig? Adam enn inda ig? (Is Adam your ancestor, is he mine?)
  6. mohis hiyol ogoo umb sogu togub legilog holoot ig oo nom wig? (Has anyone ever come back from the dead?)


Interview - Soso, cosmology
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:12 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (The Bible says everything will end and be remade) 2: 0:00:49 (It's true, it's a good place. In this life we have hevis, but afterwards you'll rest in heven. Do you say hotugunee? Yes sometimes. We don't see it it's a new place) 3: 0:01:55 (If you're big head and sin you won't go, but if you like people and follow God's talk you'll go. Is hell a real place? We say that, but we don't know, the book says so. It's true.) 4: 0:03:01 (We think Adam is our ancestor. What about me a white person? I don't know, that's just what we say.) 5: 0:03:49 (I don't know. What about Sigol and Peme? I don't know) 6: 0:05:07 (no, no one's done that, just Jesus)

Interview - Sibil, cosmology
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:12 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (God is always there, we people change. The ground and sky God knows) 2: 0:00:56 (Now the kingdom is 2, what we call omonn is in heaven. God's kingdom has come through his word, it comes from heaven. Afterwards what will we do I don't know.) 3: 0:02:16 (The talk is that people go to heaven or to hell, the reality I don't know. Who will go where? Those who go will go, I don't know) 4: 0:03:25 (The first hobol mohis who came, God said and they were. Children came and the first child spoke and the talk became big. First there was one talk with Adam, which talk I don't know. If another talk was given I don't know) 5: 0:05:16 (Adam is the ancestor of us both) 6: 0:06:00 (No, just Jesus)

Interview - Set, cosmology
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:12 a.m. by Steve

Semik - some questions
last edited May 22, 2024, 8:12 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(will the world end? Yes Jesus will come and bring it to an end) (Is heaven a real place? That's what we say, it's a real place, we'll see God. Where is it? We don't know.) (Who goes to heaven and who goes to hell? Someone with bad thinking who does things they shouldn't do while on this earth will go to hell, those who follow hubi. Those who follow God's thinking and do good will go to heaven is what we hear).