Questions on staying with friends

last edited May 28, 2024, 2:48 p.m. by Steve

3-26 Cliques & Groups


  1. mohis hiyol ogoo famili ab wes igugund. Ab ogoo teb wog tol ab hogog inemb igu. Hobol nom amee (talk about staying at a family member's house in another village)
  2. mohis hiyol ogoo ab ogoo famili wig, mohis humann tol ab hogog inemb igu ig? (would a mane with no family stay with a normal person?)
  3. mohis hiyol ogoo ig hobol amb huligog amb igung, seleng wig, nom bili. Mohis hiyol ogoo pinot wig, oomoo ig tandeeng amb igugund, hobol huligog loogooneeng wig. Yog endeteeng his ig? (some people we can talk for a long time with some we can't, is it the same with you guys?)


Interview - Samuel, staying with friends
last edited May 28, 2024, 2:48 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Silas, staying with friends
last edited May 28, 2024, 2:48 p.m. by Steve