Evisil gives a letter

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Steve

8-3 Life Skills & Vocational Education


Date Team participants National participants
Oct. 13, 2020 Steve Sogoba


Sogobo from Evisil handed me 2 letters saying they were 'his thinking'.


The two letters seem to be word lists, written in both Kovol and Tok Pisin. The Kovol follows Messi orthagraphy as far as we can tell. One seems to select words familiar to us and is organised into Kovol/Tok Pisin lines. The other is less organized and doesn't follow the exact same spelling (wog vs. vog).

It seems the letters were given to instruct us in the Kovol language.


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
Who actually wrote the letters? Steve Oct. 22, 2020, 8:44 a.m.