Ilal's tumbuna stories

last edited May 30, 2024, 2:40 p.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology


Date Team participants National participants
May 30, 2024 Steve Ilal


Ilal had heard that I was asking about tumbuna stories, so he came to tell me his. I only had my phone on my so the audio quality isn't as good as normal.


Ilal - the first man
last edited May 30, 2024, 2:40 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(he's a story about man's creation, yogolom had a child, that's the origin of the hobol people, afterwards we'll do school. I've put the root and if it's right or not we'll do school, that's my talk. I know Ingil, Wa and Yanging I'm Ingil, Wa is Ingis and Pusila. He lists some names)

Ilal - creation and creation of man
last edited May 30, 2024, 2:40 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(man came up at KoyaKoya, Mandee? came to hulum sindee and kids came up that's how man was made. The 7 communities came from hulum sindee. So Hobol came up at hulum sindee? yes, Pal was somewhere else. The first man came up at Koya Koya? Yes. Mandee came to hulum sindee and then ingil came up. Who made man at KoyaKoya? I don' know, it's a Pal story I just told the hobol story. Did people come up nothing at KoyaKoya, or did an Egembee make them? That's a Pal story, 3 people came up and someone came here, came to hulum sindee and hobol people came up. Koya koya was already there, who made the earth and everything an Egembee? An egembee made people come up, but God made the world. I've heard Unemi, Mooboogul and Wegil. Yes they are egembee, there are lots.)