Family and Clan investegation

last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

2-2 Family & Clan


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Semig on in-law terms
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Semig

Orthographic text

(mostly just talking about which terminology is used when talking about in-laws)

Wilib's responsibilities to family
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Wilib

Orthographic text

(what work do you do for your father?) inda tooloogot piguwa, enn noog pigeb igugum mogut neyim uguga noog higeb igugum minda noom endet mogut neyim uba higeb igugum (what work do you do for your mother) inda amb i o meme noom nomol ab ebeb ooguwa oboob igugum mina ab mena ebeb ooguwa mena oboob igugum honn hiyol oogoo olu heleb igugum hobol amasi mando olu heleb igugum, honn hiyol oogoo mandeb igugum inda hobol angot hiyol oogoo salamb igugum hiyol mu salamb igugum, ina ende holo his (what work do you do for your older brother?) ambul endet onn amb i o meemee noom oboob ooguwa noom oboob utub igugum amb oo yab mee noom oboob ooguwa oboob lib utub igugum noom ambul hobol ama endet neleb igugum (and you little siblings) soogu endet his soogu mee hutee yab ebeb ooguwa noom oboob utub igugum mee hute ilu eb ama oboob utunim enn aminim oboob esi esi soogu mee oboob esinn (what do you do for your maternal uncle) noom lib hum homom mot meehomonn hutee esasi noom, enn meehomonn noom a noolug eb igung lib wog henim oomo mehomonn noom neleb ooguwas noom mehomonn wonong nenim wog hobol wombagab yot henim ogeb oomo hobol amasi hobol salamb mehomonn neleb igu mee noom wonoong neleb i wi tugub oogooteleb inda mot igitasi egee lebenim (when you get a wife, what will you do for your father in law) temee noog haga, minda mot meehomonn wonoong noolug inda mehomonn agabi hala noom wonoong noolug igel mehomonn noom egee noolug Endet noom egee noolug yam hum igung temee noog heleb detee egee noolug inda mot noom mehomonn wonoong noolug igel mehomonn egee noolug. wog mehomonn agabi hala, wogoonoong noolug endet noom (and so what will you do for her brothers) noom wog mehomonn agabi hala noom wog egee wogoong noolug temee noom onn inda mot wog mehomonn agabi hala, noom yab wog wonoong mehomonn egee nenim munob mag (will you do a pennam?) pennam, noom endet noom neleb igung mohis temee oboob agamb i hogot ulutub igu wondoogot teb yab loogooneng hala pennam eb noom honn munog mag temee noom munob mag wog esis

Yagil on why he hasn't done a pennam
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Yagil

Orthographic text

(yagil talking about how they haven't gotten around to doing a pennam)

Musiligam visiting his daughter, I asked questions
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: musiligam

Orthographic text

(where does you're wesig live? and can you say their name?) enn wesig unim mu egee aminim enn wesig endet oom enn undum wog hutam oomboo wog oosoom onn ab oogoo iluguwasi liboong oomboo hiyoomboo oogoo iguwot oo na egee ilis (are you going to do work for him, or are you just visting?) enn endet, enn undum wesig woheeyo oogoo linim oo honn hutee oogoo se oom wig honn hutee oogoo endet woheeyo hala egee ilib noom endet haga hala endet mehomonn hute nog nolo noom ee, mehomonn hum neleb agamb teb ootootooloob egee tebenim (so will you wesig do work for you?) wesig endet laba... tambu olsem haga mehomonn nooloomung i oogootooloob endet oogootooloob lib onnol ab ilinim eb liba nog oogoo libigoom oo egee ilinn (what is the last time your wesig did work for you?) noom mehomonn nooloot tuboomung teb endet Noom ee, noomboo mehomonn mondu oogootooloomung igu dugandum etilig umasi ennel his detee etilig umb i haga noom ee mondu oogootooloomung iguwot oo honn hutee oogoo enn bili hum heleb endet na mehomonn noom mondu noom nesi egee wi hann (are your oogoogoomee and pagum still around?) enn oogoogoomee, pagum umumind enn temee onn inda isol noom endet onn temee hoo umut, pagum umut oogoogoomee, onn inda isol oo igu (where does he sleep?) onn ingis hiyoom (with you wife's brothers?) aya enn temee onn munob mag onn inda mot wog ab ingis hiyoom (what do you do for your wife's brothers?) enn ee hoo inoomboo lib woham yam, oomo see oomboo mu lib wohoogoom yam singu ab oogoo igugum (what is the last time you went to see them?) noom wogootooloob agamb i ogootooloob, temee masag enn womoom Pepal yab igisi ilat lib woheb agamb i sooguwa see his ila wog agamb i looboot enn hoomee noom ilam nisil, nisil endet, wog ulomb endet hobol hiyol oogoo amb nolo honn noomboo ilam, ilib endet ilib agamb i oogootooloob hoomee liboomung (have you done a pennam?) ig ee noom ee undum, enn undum yokoobet enn undum hutee mohis womboo ab komumbuwa mohis oboot oboot oom endet yab hogot ebigondo hutee oboot Igog oboomung tulomb agamb agamb i agabi hala homom mot wogoosoot oom noomboo meemee wogoso ig o noom endet ig hum singu igung (so is it going to happen or are they going to skip it?) noom endet hum dugandum wog homom mot igugund ig singu endet ig meemee sila wig noom eb endet hum igung, mee hutee heb noom, endet noom o wig omboo endet hum singu hum igung oomboo musu homom mot egee igugund eb tatugum mot igugund eb endet amoong wongoo hooyom igung wog eleb ig yoheb lib igugund

Kavaluku on in law relations
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Kavaluku

Orthographic text

(talking about how his son in laws give him meat and stuff, he gives them gifts and thanks them for doing the hard parenting work talks about how he and Hulimoo do work for each other, if Ivan and Domol don't do what he asks they'd get sick he's done his pennam with Hulimoo but his wesig's have not yet done one, Ivan has already done his pennam for Kavaluku but still needs to do one for Jack)

habanel and soso about clans
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: habanel

Orthographic text

(they still use the words for in laws, they say "mohis henenee" for clan, clans don't have a singular leader, clan leaders keep peace, it's not to difficult. the word for family is "undum henee noog". giving stuff to in laws)

Kombumbuwa man on in laws
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(he does one bel's with his in laws, if someone doesn't they get sick)

Soso on in laws
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Soso

Orthographic text

(how to make an upset in law happy, if you don't your children will be sick, how to woo a potential in law. his in laws don't demand much of him)

Sibil on clans
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:28 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: sibil

Orthographic text

(I asked about clan, he thought I said kan lol. he calls clan "henee hutam". his clan is named "noowut ilom" since a pregnant lady ran away, he talks about the local clans and who's in them; the ingis and pusila clans. he looks after his clan, the pusila clan has two unnamed leaders (must be sosos and habanel), talks about the kiyaps settling the communities, he leads his clan with church pasin, so does everyone else; how did they do it in past? they just were, they didn't church then)

Set on clans
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:29 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Set

Orthographic text

(he calls clans "sebee", his names multiple clans, his is sabu tuwol and Kabaluku is part of his clan (kabaluku might disagree). Garatam is their gov leader, he is their mission leader. they don't have a "sebee inda" currently. they keep fights down)

wilib on clans
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:29 p.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: wilib

Orthographic text

(we say clan or family, we have 4 clans here, soso is our kukalai and max is our community leader. they tell us when to gather. he explains who is in the clan)

pusila guy awkward clan convo
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:29 p.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(we don't have a word for clan, maybe "mohis henee". his clan is pusila sembig, he names who all is in the clan, same as semig. long pause to the quesiton if they have a leader, they don't have a leader they just get together and talk about stuff and look after their family by keeping them from doing bad)

Tolokum guys on clan and in laws
last edited June 21, 2024, 4:29 p.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(Don't have a word for clan, he is the soboto clan with kavaluku. They don't have a leader but Kavaluku is older. they keep one bel. if someone doesn't keep one bel with in laws their children will get sick)