hobol story of first man

last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 3-1 History & Trends 3-7 Words & Language 5-1 Gods & Spirits


Date Team participants National participants
Aug. 31, 2021 Philip Soso and family, Tapulang, Nambi and wife
Jan. 26, 2024 Steve Semik


Sitting in Soso's house by fire telling stories. Nambi seems to tell a creation myth, something about a spirit entering man and making him alive.
The children named are Wa and Ingil, so this man is presumably Sigol, the first person to speak Imengis.

Steve played these recordings to Semik in Jan 2024, Semik had a surprising response where he was afraid to talk about them. Nambi had died the month before, which might have something to do with it.

Semik and Ulumo communicate that they don't want to talk about this story for fear of dying. We shouldn't play it to people and ask about it any more.


How hobol life began
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

om tatugum singilinn hulum sindee yab omboo es sonn nduguloot nom es sonn nduguloot nom egee aminim Unemi Unemi homongot ogoo pugumut Mogoogul, Moogoogul his isim omboo pugumut isim omboo pugumut Tumim wom om pugumut oo mohis susomb hemind mohis susomb ogooteleb i mohis susomb ogooteleb i hamind oo ligilog tuguloo ogoo yoog tugul og ogoo hamind oo yatasu Tumim wo e yogumo ilat mohis yogumo ilat yogumo ilib yab ligilog tuguloot. Ligilog salib hobol amoot hobol amb i amoot "inda" et "ina" et "moo" et et omboo ilib i Wa Ingil ooguwa es nduguloot ig heb i musu endet migemb hoogoom see om engee nog angoom

List of women
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: hobol tok bilong kirapim man

Orthographic text

sisim limonn pee embam hogu manandog teme ab om teme ab om unim agang Tulundul Tulundul limonn

hobol tok bilong kirapim man
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

mohis ligilog hutee endet amoot "imi om mu hoogoom" et "sku kwet kwet hogoom" et endet amb i hat oo mohis yogumo leb i waya hobol amb ilib i om ilib ligilog tulumo mohis mohis ligilog holoot mohis ig hobol amoot

Semik - I'm afraid to talk about that
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(tell me about being scared to talk about this. It's wrong to say the name that your friends gave to you and so we're not going to say it. Saying the name, afterwards we will know but until then we don't know what is true or not. If we give you the wrong talk we are afraid we will die. We're afriad and so we won't say the name is what we have said. We have decided to leave it. Are some people saying that Nambi died because he said this name? Yes that's what we are saying, he told you guys the wrong thing and he died. So you're not going to say it? yes, I'm afraid and I won't talk about it. That's what we've agreed. I don't know either, someone who knows the truth could tell you, but I'm afraid I'd be lying so I won't say.)

Semik - Comments on text 2 + 3
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

Ulumo - this isn't a good story
last edited May 23, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve