Porosa-Evesil feud

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Philip

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 3-18 Fights; Antagonisms & Battles


Date Team participants National participants
April 11, 2020 Rhett Kuluma
May 17, 2020 Philip Justin Olele (Absakul Kaunsil) and Axel Fachner (phone call)


Kuluma was telling me about the fight which resulted in Kokolat’s death. He said they had gone to Nabarumbe to discuss a pig Porosa had stolen, but Porosa got upset and killed Kokolat.

After discussion among our team and with the Pal team, we encouraged the people to settle the issue in there village court system with their Kaunsil. On the phone call with Axel and Justin Olele yesterday, Justin was asking that I send a message to Garatam (our Kaunsil in Evesil) that he wanted to meet with him this coming Sunday (24.05.2020). He had me write a letter asking Garatam to come to him in Porokupia, Absakul. And he told me to hand the letter off the guys here in Kokoma. One of them handed it off to people from Torokum. Then someone from Torokum would cover the next leg to get the message to Garatam in Evesil.


Porosa Evesil feud
last edited May 18, 2020, 11:27 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Kuluma