Eririm poison rope - overnight fishing trip

last edited July 3, 2023, 10:10 a.m. by Philip

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 1-9 Hunting & Fishing 5-9 Avoidance & Taboo Philip-DA


Date Team participants National participants
Sept. 6, 2021 Philip, Rhett Keli, Silas, Tove, Alus, Jeberi, and more


We heard that Eririm was going to put poison rope in the river to catch fish. They were doing it upstream so we went downstream with a few guys to see if we could catch anything that was still stunned coming downstream. The fish were not affected. We were told that Eririm is blaming another tokples upstream for messing up the water.


Short summary of fishing trip
last edited July 3, 2023, 10:10 a.m. by Philip

Details on poison rope and failed attempt
last edited July 3, 2023, 10:10 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Ingis simonn wondug eb, Simonn hooloogat hamind yam. sila nom yab hipundumind. hipundub wi tugub, mut agabi atasi ooguwa, simonn wo atasi emind. atasi ooguwa hanatasi, nonol wees yooguwa hangib ebemind. his hogu woombalugutub, hogu nom wees hangib Ebemind. hot humann nom mut atasi Et. Simonn ubiyab endete ebemind Ebeb ogootooloob Leb Wogol pannabigemind. Pannab (Group 4pela) nelemind. Neleb Mohis hiyol ogoo isomboo ilamind. Hiyol ogoo teb, isim omboo ulomemind. Hiyol ogoo isim nomboo, Hiyol ogoo tesimee imomboo, Ulomb. Ig yongoo imomboo noonoonn pigemind. Pigeb Toloogot pigemind. Mee mee, hoombool ta.. egee tebis oo. Teb nomboo teb ta walasi. obug eb, musu endete oboob, Toloogot endet nom pigemind. Pigeb Ogootooloob, hulinam nom simonn wendemind. Simonn nonol nom mesag nomol ogoo teleb, his hogu nom nim hot ogoo wandasi Lumetemind. te (break in speech) Hiyol ogoo wendemind. endete nalasi, hulinam nom endet nalasi, abanangul, nomol abanangul simonn enninnot nom nomol ogoo yat. Otol nom yooguwa, eb nalasi yab i yab i pet et. pet ooguwa hamind oo. hoombool ta, hoombool, noogul nom hutee mu hamind. mu uma, eb ogootooloob, nomol salamb teb hamind oo. wig eb igitasi, mohis hiyol ogoo ab hogog inemind. hom lebemind. leb mee mee hutee oboogoond yam ig eb hamind. nom wig. mohis aleg ogoo imigoo agamemind oo, mohis isigoo mehamonn nagand. nom hutee oboogoond ig eb, hamind oo. wig eb, hum hobol amb hamind oo. sila mu hala, endet mehamonn yot tugang eb, ogootooloob. hum ogootooloob, boo heleb tol ab ogoo ilamind.