hobol story of first family - Sibil

last edited Jan. 31, 2024, 9:06 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology


Date Team participants National participants
Sept. 2, 2021 Philip Sivil


Sivil came to me wanting to ask me about church and tell me about how it started. He also told me that the first man and woman came from kwiyakwi (the mountain with the Digicel tower on it) and settled in ulum sɪndɛ. There was also mention of a mountain nearby that doesn't have trees on it and that was the location where the languages were confused (Babel).


First hobol family - Sibil
last edited Jan. 31, 2024, 9:06 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

mohis heem heem egee toboot oo hobol hobol wes wog osoob wog toboot teme nog moloomunn wog ombul tebemind teb i moloomunn Sigol teme peme ombul teb lum sindee ab omboo haga famili undum heeyas i agabi helemind undum heem ingil yagam Wa haleng yanging soogul egenn

Semik - comments on story
last edited Jan. 31, 2024, 9:06 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(who is Sigol? We say he's our great grandfather that came, he went into a room and had children. He had Ingil, Wa and Yanging, that's what we say. You guys are decended from Wa? No we're Ingil, Wa is over there I'm Ingil. Ulumo is Wa. Tolookum and Ebesil? They're other. We Imengis this is our tree we're talking about. So Ingis? They are Wa, they are some children of Wa and we are other children of Wa, Pusila too. Was Sigol the first person? We see Sigol's decendents, Sigol spoke a different language and then he had Ingil, that's what we say. Sigol was a long time ago, he went into a room and first spoke our language and he had children. Was Sigol after Noah, Shem, Ham and Japhet? He was one of their decendents, one of Ham's decendents that's what we say. Was he Ham's direct son? I don't know. I've just spoken what our fathers spoke, I don't know the root of it. Same with Sigol did he really come, was that his name, I don't know. Afterwards you guys will teach us. whether Sigol was a real person or not. We don't know we just say it and we don't know if its true or a lie. You'll tell us who we really come from.)