Outsiders stealing vanilla beans

last edited July 3, 2023, 8:32 a.m. by Steve

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 3-15 Social Problems & Issues 3-16 Heroes & Villains steve-DA Philip-DA


Date Team participants National participants
Sept. 16, 2021 Philip Silas and friends


Sitting in the hauswin talking about some visitors wandering through the area, some of their actions didn't make sense. Then it brought up this story of theft 3 years ago.


Outsiders steal a lot of vanilla
last edited July 3, 2023, 8:32 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

Simonn honn hala endet. Pasum mohis oo mandemind. Mandeb, tooloo Womunee isomboo libemind. Lib, Hoogoot heleb igitasi, Lut (Ruth) woo hat. Woo heeya, Lib Puninimb amemind. “aleg yongoo sila ooguwa ilug” emind. Ooguwasi, “aleg om iluwas” ooguwa ilamind oo. ilib hom ig… muline amb, hom yab hamind. “aleg om omboo yongoo sila ooguwa, heleb ingis ilug” emind. Ooguwasi ama yamind. yab mohis hiyol ogoo hoogoot heleb agamemind oo. wogoonoong om libemind. Lib, tol ab ogoo lib, hamind oo. “aleg omboo yab, ab agabi ogoo yooguwo aleg yongoo sila ooguwasi yug” emind. Ooguwasi inda amoot oo. “aleg pooloonn om ilib nomol ogoo ilib” et. “om woog om egee yooguwa yab i, ab agabi imigoonn” et. “hogumam hulum ab agabi imomboo yooguwa” et. “yab, eb om egee yooguwa “ et. ooguwa tebemind. Yab i ombomboo teb, hogumam hulum teb. hem nomboo pigoom oo, ig ebemind. Oboob yab, mohis ab ogoo wogoonoong amemind. “Aleg omboo leb ingis ilo aleg yongoo sila ooguwasi, ilug” emind. Ooguwasi, hom amasi, hogumam heb yamind. yooguwasi, Yooboogoo Alias woonoong yamind. yab mogog ulumbigeb wog esemind. Lagas, mee wog asasi, nemb i ogootooloob. Muline amb yang eb yab aleg hot yab hoogoot heleb igitasi. hulinam lama, hom ilib.. Yooboogoo simonn noog ebemind. Gusuboonn simonn ebemind. Oboob i, wi tugub ogootooloob yamind. leb teb, ilib ingis yomboo ilib. Simonn huwaninn ogoo helennee tugulemind yam. Egemee sebe ogoo ogootooloob sindee yab hogog inemind yam. Nom hulinam ilib noog oboob boo helemind. Omboo mohis hiyol ogoo om see om libigoond. Hoomee ilib yamind. om, mohis ende holo his ig eb i, omboo hobol nom amoong yam. Yab hoogoot heleb agamb, aleg agabi yooguwa nom ogootooloob aleg, tooloo mando holo wig. nom yab.. hoogoot heleb agamemind. omboo.. nom pasum mohis his ig eb i, hobol.. nom amoong. omboo, see om nom mandoogoond oo. ende holo his eb i, om.. hobol nom amoong.