Do you have any superstitions?

last edited Feb. 12, 2024, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

5-5 Luck & Chance 5-4 Dreams & Visions


After explaining some white man superstitions I asked if Kovol had anything similar.


Yogubo - superstitions
last edited Feb. 12, 2024, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(the white people say 7 years bad time, We don't do that, we have ladders but we don't do that. What are ancestors did was Pusila gave us metee, they gave us and we didn't say it, they put it on us and said it they ate and it was bad our fathers and grandparents saw, the children ate and became bad and they put meat on top the kids saw and we told them, they were there and we slept that's what they ate. If they slept, they became bad were told not to do it and the parents ate it that's what they did. Today we just eat. Going under a ladder, kids grow slowly is what they say. You guys don't walk under a ladder, we have that.)

Semik - Superstitions
last edited Feb. 12, 2024, 2:55 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(he can't think of any. We see dreams, people may walk in dreams and see things that will happen, we see esee, we see over there, ingis we see esee and we follow it. We see and we know about things, we know about Ingis, someone died there, or maybe someone here will die. We just see dreams, that's what we've been told. If I see someone in my dream that person's family may get a hevi. When we see the dream and then a bad thing happens we know it was a true dream. One we dream of is a bow, if it breaks at the shoot we know it's children, a brother who will die, if it breaks at the root it's a father who will die, in the middle it's one of us brothers who will get a hevi. So the two signs are seeing a bow and another is seeing the mother road. It's a bow right? Yeah one we pull for shooting. if the root breaks it's the kids, the enee is fathers that get the hevi.)