Drop traps

last edited Feb. 20, 2023, 1:13 a.m. by Steve

1-9 Hunting & Fishing


Date Team participants National participants
July 16, 2020 Steve Samuel, Silas, Dramat
July 21, 2020 Steve, Gerdine Kavaluku


I've seen a few traps "ʔasiβe" along the trail as we hike around. I'm told there are 5 typesː tumul ʔasaβe (a drop trap), siŋgol ʔasiβe, ʔogot ʔasiβe, ʔulub ʔasiβe and tumuŋ ʔɑsiβe. In the past traps were made for people too. Someone was killed by a trap a generation ago (see Ambining killed in a trap).


Ulumo explains a trap
last edited Feb. 20, 2023, 1:13 a.m. by Steve

Photobook - Silas, drop trap
last edited Feb. 20, 2023, 1:13 a.m. by Steve

Nambi - placing a drop trap
last edited Feb. 20, 2023, 1:13 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

enn hasibee piginim eb neleb igugum ina teme agamb amisi molob igita sandil pigeb agamb i heb igung oo sandil pigeb ogoo teb pet ogwa hasibee aleg heb igugum heb mandom om ilib (back to the sandil) yab hogom oo sinnol oosa ubiyab mandigee (mandigond) yam hasibee piginim eb igugum hasibee piginim amisi teme amb igu om bili eb igu ogwa hasibee egee pigeb heem yam yam i hasibee wi tugub ogoo tolob ilib agamb hasibee ana heyoo ongoo ana hoyoo aga hasibee nim endee asam iligot oo (check underneath the drop fall) memee utee wendigee ig (did we catch something?) ebi egee yanim eb igugum hasibee enn aleg henee yab igugum oo ogoo teleb igugund aleg motom (road long kam antap) omboo libinim esi wog aleg heb igugund aleg heb igitasi hasibee heb yab mando mando mi sinnol ebeb (oboob) igugum omboogut ebeb igugum helegel ebeb igugum oboob mando mi holoomot ebeb igugum umi ebeb igugum mondog ebeb igugum ebeb libisi undum amb igugund inda sinnol ebeb libigee nug eb welimb (amamas) amb igugund inda sinnol nug eb amasi enn om abagam bili eleb igugum oboob ilib teleb amb igugum sinnol om eb igugum bili olol (no inap sting) oboob libigom eb igugum olol oboob libigom eb igugum pyag (sting) hyol hangingom egenn eb igugum nom mu abagalas (pikinini no ken holim) eb igugum esi ina amb igu (mother will fix it up) pyag singu nug eb igu nug eb i pyag om imi eteb igu olol (fresh) imi eteb mogob eteb igu mogeb eteb i heb igwoo ogwa ogoo teleb wog teb eseb igu eseb amb igu undum sinnol ogoo nagand (thinking about food) emind utee hebigob wogonong ni eb igu ogwa oboob omatasi (sanapim food) enn molob ogoo teleb i eb igugum endet amb ogoo teleb sinnol umi hebigeb igugum hebigeb nemb igung ogol wongoo pigeb (putim long ol) igugum ina ogoo pigeb igugum undum ogoo pigeb igugum ennel pigeb igugum tatagum ogoo pigeb igugum inda ogoo inda isol (liklik papa) ogoo pigeb igugum mondugwa wog asas eb igugum endet omboo igisisi wog asasi ogoo teleb nemb wi tugub igung (omboo ig egee) ennel egee neleb igugum hobol om undum Stib nom egee nog angom


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
What are the different types of trap? Steve July 22, 2020, 9:04 a.m. 5 kinds as listed above, in addition to spike traps for people that are no longer made. Steve
Who is responsible to make and check traps? Steve July 22, 2020, 9:04 a.m.
Do kids make their own traps? They forage for bugs a lot, a trap would seem to be an extension of that. Steve July 22, 2020, 9:04 a.m.