Food tambu interviews

last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

1-7 Food & Drink


Questions asking about Food tambus related particularly to inlaws

  1. teme magog asam olomotowa, nonn magog eggee nemb igwonn ig o wig? (if a lady stepped over a buai would you eat it?)
  2. teme tabil asam olomotowa, nonn magog eggee nemb igwonn ig o wig? (if a lady stepped over a plate of food would you eat it?)
  3. elegas enn to ab lolombo igu, yogwann nemb igu o wig? (would my brother in law eat from a daka growing by my house?)
  4. enn hogot enn teme mesil nengee, hogot egee ninim o wig? (if my pig eats my wife's mucus would I eat that pig?)
  5. yogwann hogot wonda, enn hogot egee ninim o wig? (my brother in law kills his pig, can I eat it?)


Interview - Tabi, food tambus
last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:01:20 3: 0:02:08 4: 0:02:47 5: 0:03:45

Tabi - does eating taboo food make you sick?
last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

Ulumo - fluids that cause a food taboo
last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Dramat, food taboos
last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 enn magog flua ogoo pigom utee teme heseb asam ogoo meteb onn hesiloo o wig? nonn egee nininn o wig? nombo hesiloo eleb, mu nemb igung. teme ogoo matab teme oloo agam egee mu nis agamb nombo nom asam egee bina endet teme om meteb ig om hyol nombo hyol mu nemb igung megite henee ogoo om hesiloo aga? endetenn nombo endet teme omoo mesag endet nom mu nemb iyo aga ala egeb amisi ig onom mag olom endet omonn lib aga omonn ilwa ogwab mesinee lagabi onn aga mu nomong yam endetenn nom 2: 0:00:50 teme mena tabil ogoo meteb onn hesiloo aga o wig? nom endet nom his tabil omann igita nom teme ogoo matam nom mu nug eb endet nom hesiloo endet nom agamb nom teme ogol oyom ambugund tabil om igita eb nom tabil ogoo lolombo pigeb yab igugund mehamonn henee utee wig omonn endet mohis ambul ambul om endetenn amwasi embig eb oyom wig wog hobol salamb eb nang 3: 0:01:30 elegas enn to ab lolombo igu, yogwann nemb igu o wig? mu nemb igu enn tol ab lolombo igita nom enn yogwann enn teme nom onn inda mot om olobag nom mu nemb igugund teme nemb igugund o wig? teme nemb igung teme ennel nemb igugund onnol nemb iguguma, omoo tambu mu nemb igugund? ig teme nemb igung onn umanob wagom inda mot mu nemb igugund 4: 0:02:01 enn hogot mesil nengee hogot egee wondob nemb igung o wig? hogot mesil mesil enn enn mesil enn hogot nemb igot enn teme onn lain umanob mag onn inda mot mu nemb igugund. enn mohis ambul ambul enn sogu mendenn enn ina mot nemb igung nonn temendum? enn temendum nemb igung 5: 0:02:30 yogwann hogot wonda, enn hogot egee ninim o wig? enn yogwann endet hogot wondob nemb asam nemb igugum endet nombo mesil teb teme onn inda ig onn yogwann ig wog mesil teb hogot nom nemb igwot nom enn mu nemb igugum mu ni igwasi mu nemb igung. onn endet ig oyom wig hobol endet inda mot teb mohis ambul ambul nolasi endet nalas ogwasi na wog hobol salamb ogoo nang endet nom singu nemb yot olog amasi na alagab onngo omoo wog musu nom singu salamong yam endetenn yogwann hogot yog nemb iguguma omoo mesil.. nyo nom, ig mu nemb igung wog mesil nemb igond endet nom nala wog ib endet yogomoo yab nom nala ig mu nemb igung hum omoo egendee amot ta ab magut ogoo tasi nemb agabi ala endet wondob yog sasa nemb igung

Interview - Ulumo, Food tambus
last edited Dec. 9, 2022, 11:05 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

2: 0:00:00 1: 0:01:10 3: 0:01:32 4: 0:02:56 5: 0:04:26