Gods of the ancestors

last edited May 28, 2024, 2:15 p.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 5-1 Gods & Spirits 5-12 Theological Systems & Disputes


Date Team participants National participants
Sept. 6, 2022 Steve Sibil


Talking about the upcoming teaching a bit Sibil decided to share about the names of the gods his ancestors followed. He gave it in Tok Pisin first.

The story here seems to be the same as Genesis - beginning story from Nambi


Gods of the ancestors
last edited May 28, 2024, 2:15 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

see om enn hobol henee pigeb egee aminim enn hobol henee pigeb egee aminim. Henee endeteeng. Mohis mel hibabigeb hobol utut. Hobol uta ogooteleb teme nog i moloomunn wog ombul. Ab heb ilamind yab yab i. Motol ilamind. Motol ilib ab hulum sindee -tes ila henee- soomboogool haga inemb -yaga- hamind. Igitasi noobug wog woo -otol- lomotob nomboo agamemind om, woo hobol migoomb i, wog minda his ooboogooloob. Wog woo ilamind. Noobug -ilo- ilamind. Wog iluwasi ogooteleb mohis teenn ab nom osigim lub, iluwasi ogooteleb mohis ilib tol ab ogoo agamoot. (today I'll talk aobut the begining, I'll talk about the begining. It's like this. Man's tongue was translated and given. Given, there was a man and a woman. The went to places i go i go and descendents were born. Descendents were born and they slept at the Soomboogool tree in Hulum sindee. They were and birds went to a sing sing. They heard the singing and they took their things. They went to the singsing, the birds went to sing. They went and the men gathered in their place, the men went and were in their house.) ab oboob igita noobug om tebemind teb, hamind oo mohis tol sindee igita heb noobug teb egemee hologat heleb yamind. Yooguwasi ogooteleb mohis ab oboob agamoot. Egee agamoot honn nomboo nom mohis sigig amoot. Igita honn holoogul om, Nondoo humann egee nog ilat nom nog nog amoot his. Nog nomboo agamb musu uta onn mee mehamonn noloob onn hobol nog ama onn hooyom wolob agamoot. Agamot yab yab i. Egee agamoot om unim nom Egembee. "Ennel egembee" et "ennel egembee ennel enong igito" et, "onn bili egee enong igisininn" et "honn yot taba" et "nom hooyom igisininn" et, e "yot -i- mu egee subabiginn" et enn yeel holoogul enong igisinn -endamb i- holoogul nomboo -mesinom -olog- agamoot. (they got the place and the birds came. Came and they saw the man in the house, and the birds went outside and went wild. Went and then man took and was in the place. Then the man saw and a spirit went up to him. He spoke to them and gave them thinking for using tools and doing work. He was and this spirit, Egembee "I am spirit" he said, "I am spirit, the spirit will be with me", "In good times it'll be with me" "in bad times", "I will know", "if bad times come, he'll be with me and I'll have strength", he thought on that and was ) mesinom -egee amoot- om unim om ombul, ombul hutam. Unim ombul hutam nom endet -tugub-. Onn egembee nom unim hutee Unemi et. Unim hutee Mooboogul et. Unim hutee Wegil et. egembee nom ogoo nong igung et. -Enda bigeb- wonong agamoot Egembee nong igugund mesinom egee i nog amoot om. Mesinom egee -eleg- agamot nom om nog agamb hasibee pigoob sinnol oboob amoot egembee nom mu -mego siget- mohis ologob teb mu ebemind ologob tabasi onn hooyom wo ilib wo sila agamoot egembee holoogul inomb igu et e sinnol hogot -ul- utut bili holoot. Bili hala oomoo wog egembee wonong igita mee mee holoo egee yooguwa et mee mee oboob hoogoom om teenn bili agabi misee misee ilib woo pigoot. Woo pigoob hat. Abagam bilil igu nom nenim eb mohis teenn ama -atalusu- wogoonoong -hulub-. Mena ombogoob wog osoob yab heb hogot wondoob higeb wog osoot (that thinking spoke, the names are these 3. spirit said Unemi, spirit said Mooboogul, spirit saud Wegil. spirit is with you he said. He was with them, spirit is with them the thinking said. Thinking was, and said to him stay, put a trap and get meat. Spirit didn't do something, didn't know he showed them. spirit had strong and gave them meat and pigs. It was good but they were with Egembee and he told them how to use stuff, getting stuff I saw and there was a big good and happy and he sang. They saw the wanbel and wanted to work, the men left and got a muruk? They?he? prepared the food and give it to the, killed a pig and cut it and he gave it to them) nom om ab bili abagam bili egee nooloot, neleb i hat oo ab ogoo pugumut. -ubu- haga mohis es sonn nduguloot. Om mohis ogoo ilat om mehamonn egee nooloot endeteeng nooloot. Mohis ogoo ilat om honn ogoo ilat om unim om Sigol ogi Peme nog ilib hamind. Sigol ogi Peme nog ilamind yab ilib agamb mohis unim e mohis egee undum hagamind om undum ombul hutam. Undum nom hutee Ingil, hute Hwa, hutee yanging. Undum ombul hutam egee hamind om haga famili agabi tugub i ab oboob hobol mohis om agabi tugulemind hobol mohis see ogoo igung (they did the wanbel and sat down. Man was born. Man went up here and it was done like that. Mohis went up and they were called Sigol and peme. Sigol and Peme went up an were and had 3 kids. They had Ingil, Wa and Yanging and a big family came up. They got the place and had lots of decedents and so we hobol people are.) endet tugub wog egembee noogul -egee- minda nom abagam -sigig- nomboo hamind oo sinnol yog esigee hamind mena esigee hamind heb wog mesinom nomboo -yaga- agamemind. Agamemind om honn inalee ogoo wonong amoot. Wonong ama egee hamind om mena noogul hamind. Mena noogul tas woog osoot. Mee mee nomboo yog esinim moogut nomboo piginim haga hamind nom mena noogul yog obugum liboot liba hamind oo mena ogoo yog esigeb yongoo mesinom -looga- amemind. Igitasi tatugum agamoot inda agamoot enn ilib nom hum endet ham. Heb ogootooloob i hobol wi tugub asam ebeb egee ilinim hagam. Heb ogooteleb i enn nom heb ogooteb i enn nomboo inda inda sila piyoo heb agamoom agamb ogootooloob i om ilib totol buk ogoo toboot om -ienn- oboom. Oboob i ham oo hobol nom oboob i ham oo inda musu egee inom egee liboot nom ham oo too lumoom too lub i om buk oboob es pigoom. Pigeb i ham oo buk ooboogooloob i ham oo hebegenee nom om buk om agamb i inda musu eeg amoot nom egee yab higoob i ham oo buk wog oboob hobol omboo pigoob om hobol noogul om angee. Enn egee om mee mee om teenn yab -ulumo tob- egee enn ilib ubum agabi oboob i sebe ogoo pugugum egee. Enn -egee- igom abas- egee. oo tatugum noononn musu nom egee ogootalas egee. Heb endet ama ogoo oomoo musu egee taga -niya- nom su om egee nom enn -ham oboob o- amb es egee pigoom. Pigeb i hobol tandeng nom amisi lolomb egee tebegee taba egee wi tugugam (like that Egembee they saw things. They saw he gave meat and he gave food. Thinking was there. Was there and he spoke in dreams. They saw yams and he gave them tas. Those things he gave to put in the garden it came to their hads. He gave food and thinking/expectation. Grandparent was, father was I went and just saw. Saw, left and I learned this talk on top. Dad showed me and I was, left and the evangelist came with a book. Got the book and I saw and Dad's thoughts were against it and so it covered them, the book made it clear. I held the book and it was in my mouth, the ideas father gave me first were replaced with tre talk. I got a reputation for being with the book and I left the thoughts of my parents. I thought I would put that thinking clear, so that's my small talk and we're going alongside it. that's what I told Philip. Now I've just storied on top. Yes, say it in tok ples. )

Gods of ancestors (Tok Pisin)
last edited May 28, 2024, 2:15 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(the earth was made, the water broke it and made valley, then the ridges came. That's what the tumbuna say. Some ridges came in the sun and some in the night, Some Mami doesn't grow in the sun the tumbuna said, they just grow at night. This God was called Egembee, he made the ground, he talked and the water made the valleys the mountains came up. Our mountain came up and it goes down to Pusilai. This God, Egembee did that and he slept in the ground. The mountain has stone with dirt on top and the stone is called pusilim teenn wari and God is called Egembee teenn wari. He talked and the ground came up and the waters made the valleys and then he slept in the ground. Before they didn't know about God, before the missionaries. Jon Peel came to Finchafen and translated on Kranket island and put God's word there. 2 of my uncles went to town to study tok pisin and they came back. They say that one little bird invented this talk and so it's called tok pisin. The birds name is ool ooguwa. It's feathers are white, red and blue, it's small. The tumbuna believed in their God and had names for them, but i'm afraid. The bible says there's only 1 God and I'm afraid to break that. I didn't go too deeply into it just in case the tumbuna worshipped the wrong God, if I talked about it I might die. Kokoma has another God, Tolookum has another, every tok ples has their own God, but now we know it's God. God has given life to us through Jesus. This tumbuna belief I was taught by my dad when I was young, I saw it. He would cook a Mami and put it on my elbows and knees and face, then we ate and I was strong and not hungry, He used to think about the different Gods in the different mountains. He called the mountains yowann wesel and motol. He then held by knees and was strong. But now the book has come and we give thanks for the food and that's what we do to avoid hevi. Before their prayer was different. putting mami on the limbs. Now we sing songs and pray, read and preach the talk, that's today. I told Philip about this one time, a different story about the church coming. Jon Peel sent talk and the story of Wanuma. They used to fight and they put all this stuff in the fire, they did the drama. They gave a book to them. )