Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(when kids go to the nambis the work they do is [hit white people?] and get hevis. Some do the work well and others do badly and leave it. If they do well they keep going until they make [namag]? They eat our things [paying school fees?] [leaders see the bad and the kids leave school?]. Our kids school like that. If they're going to go well they go slowly, if they grow les of school then they'll leave it. If kids want an education it's like that. They leave their mothers [their fathers see them not doing a good job?] if there is bad behaviour they will have to leave school, a kid could be at school and their dad might tell them to stop. [if the kid stays at school they may learn to be a thief?] Probably some repetition. We've turned getting a good education into learning to steal. Some do well and learn. We take lots of kids out of school. Silas' kid left school. My kids are waiting for you guys, you'll build a school house and they'll go there. My kids left the far away schools, they're all doing nothing, I told them that you guys have come. I'm not going to put them in a far away school, they're waiting for you. Others are doing their own thing to get their kids educated. I told Domol to leave school and wait for you guys. Some left school and they don't have and education)
2: 0:03:23
(yes, all of them they get school, they drink, they get bad behaviour and mix with the wrong crowd, they steal, they all do that. So we're going to go with you guys. Some of them do that, they drink, they steal [Ningalam is laughing saying Ivan didn't do that]. [Drinking happens rarely?] you guys have some so don't drink, only a few drink. The nambis people drink, they got education, but didn't get work and they cut people and steal. Our Tok ples all does the same, Ebesil, Tolookum, us, Kombumbua, pusila, ingis. We get education, but we don't have the good behaviour like you guys, we steal and stuff. We'll build a house, some will talk well, some will straighten things)
3: 0:04:52
(yes they do that, some are afraid to leave their kids there. If someone sees that they'll tell their kids to leave school because of their bad behaviour, you won't get an education)