Instruments interview

last edited May 19, 2023, 10:56 a.m. by Steve

4-1 Music & Musical Instruments


  1. wo wolug eb igwonn megite halugut oboob egee wendinn? (when you want to do a singsing what instruments do you get?)
  2. nonn igubasabas halugut wendemind ig o wig? (did you ancestors play instruments?)
  3. oo mohis mogom halugut neleb igu? (long ago who made instruments?)
  4. su mohis mogom halugut neleb igu? (who makes instruments today?)
  5. halugut unim hebigondoo amee (say the names of instruments)
  6. megite honn ogoo halugut wondob igwonn ig? (when do you play an instrument?)
  7. mohis mogom halugut bili wondob igu? (who is good at playing an instrument?)
  8. megite tugub mohis halugut wondoo hooyom oboob igu? (how do you learn to play an instrument?)
  9. teme halugut wondob igugund ig o wig? (do women play instruments?)
  10. megite tugub umi hot halugut neleb igwonn ig? (how do you make bamboo drums?)
  11. megite tugub nim halugut neleb igwonn ig? (how do you make a garamut?)


Interview - Semik, instruments
last edited May 19, 2023, 10:56 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 nim halugut om oboob yooguwa wondob wog oboot (galamut? guitar is halugut, nim halugut is wooden drums) amb igung oo nim halugut nim sa ogoo oboob tabasu wondob woo woolug tenn nim pi inom ogoo tenn tabasi nim begut nom oboob piguwasu wondob woo woondug 2: 0:00:42 enn igubasabas halugut wendemind wog halugut nim halugut oboob yab hipannab lub emind oo henembee hogu oboob wog tubi woo isig woo isig nom oo wendemind nala wog wendemind yam 3: 0:01:03 inda halugut noloot yam onn tatagum noloot yam enn inda nolot yam inda om onn inda nolot yam oo woo wendemind yam oomoo enn halugut hutee mu nagam inda onn nala oomoo hala wondogoom yam wondob woo wondoong yam 4: 0:01:28 see om halugut hutee mu nang inda mot egee nelemind yam nomboo his igu ig hutee mu nang 5: 0:01:44 halugut noogul nom ogoo neleb igugund sibesibe halugut nom neleb igugund nim igel humann igel hobol his amoom ig nim ombul ina his halugut neleb igugund sibesibe nog ig halugut noogul neleb igugund neleb eb igugund oo halugut etegeneng nom neleb i igugund oo onn higeb teleb hipannab eb igugund salannateb nom posogob teb mut atasi ooguwa yab pu eb i tomalub i henembee hogu oboob utub i mut atasi oboob yab tomalub i henembee hogu oboob pigoob pigeb igugund wondob igugund neleb wondoomuwa eb i woo nog wondob igugund sibesibe oboob pigeb woo wondeb igugund nonn igubasabas gita wendemind ig o wig? enn igubasabas gita mu wondoot omboo gita mu agamoot nim halugut agamot halugut yab inda oboob liba inda nim gita oboob uta woo wonda enn see om gita ogoo woo wondogoom 6: 0:03:10 hum igung yab krismas honn hala endet mut peg omboo tug eega halugut wondob woo soo mu hiyol ogoo weleb yab endet mut peg eteb heb endet nom agamb igung om humann hiyol ogoo hum igisinim yab i endet halugut wondob musu hum ogoo wondob woo hobol hiyol ogoo egee wenim nomboo enn musu oboob yab wenim endet nom nalam yam hum wondob igugum 7: 0:03:39 halugut bili tugub teb mu wendeb igugum oomoo singu wendeb igung singu wendeb endet eb igung hot honn lama humann heleb igung bili hala omboo igung bili yaga ogoo woo waga egee endet nang yam honn ki nomoo endet hibabigong agamb igisisu simonn hutee nama eb igung om bili hala omboo bili egee yab i woo weleb igung bili hala omboo em simonn hibabigong bili ogot oo woo wang egee bili haga endet amb igung 8: 0:04:12 hum endet wondob wi ooguwa ila oom mohis singu halugut oboob wondob eb igwot hooyom heleb igu mohis hutee hooyom wig hutee wonda eb agamemind om wendemind nom wendeb om egee hooyom endet ogoo nang hooyom hutee mu obong yam mohis hutee omboo wonda ee ee ogoo wendeb ogoo hooyom hang yam 9: 0:04:37 omboo teme hutee mu wondogoond yam halugut hutee mu wondoogoond yam om mehamonn hesiloo o wog hooyom wig? mehamonn hesiloo wig wog hooyom wig omboo mu wendeb igugund moloomunn oya omboo wendeb igugund 10: 0:05:00 umi pee yab hipundub eb igung oo tomalub igung tomalamusu ama eb igung oo omboo ombul endet pigeb yamung asam oboob ilib hot abagam om hot hogu om haga ebeb igung oo hipannab ogooteleb endet wondob igung wendeb igung ama eb i inann om bili angee woo nog neleb igung om endent nom oo noloomung yam umi hot halugut ubiyab igu oo hutam hutam singu igu? nom ubiyab hiyol ogoo umi hipannab yab yab endeteeng lomotob wog welis yam sindiga lumetis yam ig nom hooyom wig wog ogom umi pee hum endet wondob woo weleb igung. gita nog wendeb mondutu wendeb igung hutam tu wendeb ogomboo woo wang yam woo oo lamung yam see omboo hum igung su megite ab ogoo umi hot halugut igu? ig umi agabi agabi mbabi solomb ogoo igu umi hot nom woo ab ogoo mohis yab hutam yug eb i eb igung oo yab umi nom hipundugung hipundub sili honom omboo endet hipannabigung soogul hipannab wi tugub teb tomalubung tomalub i wi tugub pigeb woo wendeb igung bili hala oboob mohis ab ogoo yab wondob woo weleb igung 11: 0:06:30 nim halugut om sibelig motom ogoo endet tomalugund yam (sutim na rausim) neleb mandeb mandeb i tomalub ogooteleb igugund oo mut atasi egee eenn (paia lait, mut eenn) mut atasi ogoo umi pee ogoo (a straw) puu ooguwasi wom omboo yab eb (light) egee yann yab yab yab yab i wom omboo egee tomalumis pooloonn hala (hole appears) ogooteleb ul undum oboob egee siligitis sibelig oboob siligiteb tasi (i stap) mut hoog hesil (ashes) om wi hala heb igugund oo honnot om liba heb igugund oo nim hes teleb igugund sese sog oboob endet nalasi ubilot hala heb igugund nim hes teleb igugund nim hes teleb igitasi loogom (red) heleb endet sibelig honom nom hoogoot egee hann (knife marks are hidden) ul honom hoogoot hala ogootooloob egee amis (they comment it's done) oo (long ago) henembee hogu magab (skin the animal) oo utis (close) utub woondob heb igugund ama. halugut neleb igugund nim ombul his sibeesibee hutee halugut etegeneng nom hutee endeteeng his halugut neleb igugund meme (samting long kundu) om oboob pigeb igugund henembee hutee ebeb igugund nim usebi hes (glue) hutee ebeb igugund oboob ilib endet henembee hogu mesag omboo piguwasi enn (pas) ooguwa ogooteleb usebi hes nom magab (upim) henembee asam omboo piguwasi heb igugund oo bubigeb igugund megitet tugub piguwasi endet henembee hogu om amb igu (drum skin will make noise) ombul hutam (3 times putting sap, goes on top of the drum skin - makes it sound right. Gluing the skin to the drum was skipped, that's banana sap) pigeb igugund oo mu ama heb i om ombul ombul pigeb igugund piguwasi ama ogooteleb amb igugund oo endeteeng angot (sinagout, aka amot) bili haga heb i mut omboo ogonn (hot of fire) atasi (drying drum sking by fire) heb oo henembee hogu nom hologul hala woondob igugund endeteeng heb logateb (rub) ogooteleb wendis wondasi egee aminn om bili hum ama bili egee angee heb ogooteleb woo henee (as bilong singsing) egee amis endeteeng nagand yam

Interview - Max, instruments
last edited May 19, 2023, 10:56 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we get money instruments and hit them) 2: 0:00:16 (no. Our ancestors had tree instruments, not guitars. we saw them play tree instruments. Now we use money instruments for singing) 3: 0:00:55 (our ancestors made tree instruments. Now money instruments have come) 4: 0:01:23 (some older brothers know how to make instruments. Mosangi, others too. Not guitars, tree instruments. we don't make guitars both we and our ancestors don't know how. Do you know how to make tree instruments? I've seen them made, but I don't know how to do it myself. My father made them) 5: 0:02:28 (the instruments had names, my father called them... komuu niye, kongonn, yalameket, sisib ) 6: 0:04:01 (yeah I play guitar. I don't know how to play well. When you came and gave out the paper - chord sheets- I got a guitar and started playing, I wanted to get one) 7: 0:04:56 (someone gets a guitar and hits it and hits it well. You give us papers and we follow them and it gives us good thinking) 8: 0:05:20 (if someone wants to learn guitar they get a guitar. Then they get someone who already knows and watch their fingers. They see how to hold the strings and then they hit it, that's how he'll learn. I don't know myself, but I'm learning) 9: 0:06:04 (ladies might want to play, one or two can but most don't. there isn't one where I live. They'd struggle to follow the paper if they wanted to. So it's not forbidden, but they just don't know? yes that's right their hands are heavy) 10: 0:06:48 (David knows how, but the one our father had isn't here anymore. David and Mosangi know how to do it, I was small and I didn't learn. Bamboo is cut, put in 1 2 or 3. I don't know. They cut them and hit them and check the sound. 1 is really small, 2 is small, 3 is long. So we cut them and check the sound. The bamboo used is called kumbambi. More repetition, sounds good we have a singing) 11: 0:08:44 (we cut a sisib tree. the piece is cut and shaved with machetes. Then we light a fire. We do that on both sides. The ends are big and the middle is small, and we put a hole. After the fire more scraping, we make an ear. When done we put a kilimbuu skin and wet it and when it's dry it's an instrument. we get kengum sap for glue and sow the instrument up, glue goes on and makes it strong. We tie it with some rope. Then we get kosebi sap and put that on top of the kengum. We check the sound and put it one or two times or 3 or 4. Then we sing... Today we don't do singsings like that, but the instruments are still around. Mosangi, David and Set know how to make thems still. My father made tree instruments and bowls)

Interview - Klemens instruments
last edited May 19, 2023, 10:56 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (tree instruments) 2: 0:00:20 (yes, they hit tree instruments) 3: 0:00:35 (our ancestors made instruments) 4: 0:00:49 (our fathers made instruments, we don't) 5: 0:01:03 (niyem kiyob, etegenenn) 6: 0:01:22 (so you don't make tree instruments, now you play guitar right? yes right do you play guitar? no For people who do play, when do they play guitar? They play nating. Tree instruments are played at singsings. We play guitars at church) 7: 0:02:17 (Silas plays guitar, he plays when we do church) 8: 0:02:43 (our fathers didn't know the guitar, they played tree instruments. We know about the guitar.) 9: 0:03:09 (women don't play. On the coast they do, but here in the bush they don't) 11: 0:03:25 (they went and cut a tree to get a middle bit, they burn it with fire, they blow the fire, scrape it out, put a lizard skin and then singing. They use kengum kes too. After applying the glue and sleeping they sow it up and do a singing. What tree did they cut? They cut a sebesebe tree) 10: 0:04:26 (we cut bamboo, remove the knuckles, when it is good we hit it and singing)