Interviews about bilums

last edited May 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m. by Steve

1-11 Clothing & Adornment


Following Interviews about clothing I followed up asking about bags and bilums.

  1. nom megite ombo obo igwig? (what's in your bag?)
  2. mohis tenn obo obogolob igu o wig? (do all men wear bags?)
  3. teme obogolob igugund o wig? (do ladies wear bags?)
  4. undum obo obogolob igugund o wig? (do children wear bags?)
  5. om obo megite ab ogoo obonn? (where did you get that bag?)
  6. om obo mogom nolot? (who made that bag?)
  7. teme hutam hutam obo nagand yam o wig? (do some ladies make bags?)


Interview - Tobe, bilums
last edited May 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1. nom megite ombo obo igwig? magog, habu, elegas, ogwab enn obo ogoo igu 2. mohis tenn obo obogolob igu o wig? mohis tenn enn obomu obogolob igugund 3. teme obogolob igugund o wig? teme obob eleb pigond his 4. undum obo obogolob igugund o wig? undum endetenn agabi eleb wog igugund 5. om obo megite ab ogoo obonn? om ab ulum ogoo yab obot 6. om obo mogom nolot? mohis ab ongonn ogoo obo neleb pigwasi om me munum ogoo ogom 7. teme hutam hutam obo nagand yam o wig? teme hutam hutam obo nagand yam. teme obo tenn nom obo nagand yam

Interview- Ulumo, bags
last edited May 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1. mogom obo heseb igugund? obo ina mot tomond tomond obo om tugub igu Zina ilib eb teme tugub esa enn mandeb mandogom mohis heseb igugund, teme heseb igugund? teme hosob agand mehamonn om eb nagand mohis heseb igugund teme heseb igugund obo obob mandeb heseb igugund 2. nonn obo megite ab ogoo obonn? obo om onnol ab ulum om obom. enn obo ina mot egee neleb igugund wig ab ulu obo yogol minda 3. nonn obo mogom nolot? enn obo enni ina nolot teme nolot neleb teb ab ulum eteb libigom 4. nonn obo ombo megite me pygonn ig? enn obo ombo ogwab igu enn obo ombo mondog igu enn obo ombo ul igu igita pyab obob mandogom yam 5. mogom obo nagand yam? om enn teme obob naga yam nala neleb obob esigam enn temendum neleb obob esigee enn teme obo naga neleb asam obob mandigond 6. megite tugub wog neleb igugund? wog omu aga nem obob yab higond o mu ombo igita wolob obob ilib ongutug igugund ongotub pyasi aga ele ogwa ogoo tolob egee meteb igugund ogoo motob amb ogoo tolob obo neleb isasu mandeb mandogond yam

Interview - Semik, bags
last edited May 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Kavaluku, bilum
last edited May 15, 2023, 8:56 a.m. by Steve