Interviews about Kaunsil

last edited June 28, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Steve

9-3 Councils & Ruling Officials


  1. Galatan ward 25 kaunsil haga om loogooneeng? (Galatan is the kounsil for ward 25 right?)
  2. mohis mogom ward 26 kaunsil? (Who's kaunsil for ward 26?)
  3. kounsil nom, onn mehamonn om megite mee? megite mehamonn naga yam? (what is kounsil's job?)
  4. megite tugub mohis kaunsil heleb igu? (how does someone become kounsil?)
  5. kounsil hooloogul om megite mee? kounsil mohis hutee kalabus pigeb loogooneeng ig? hesiloo sooguwa pigeb loogooneeng ig? takis meemunum oboob loogooneeng ig? (what power do the have? Can they arrest? make laws? raise taxes?
  6. mohis homongot kaunsil meemunum utub igugund ig? fortnait utub igugund ig? (do the government give money to the kaunsil?)
  7. Galatan kounsil mehamonn ogootala, mohis mogom egee ebinn ig? (If Galatan stops being kounsil who will do it next?)
  8. hemond megitet Galatan kounsil mehamonn naga yam? (how long has Galatan been kounsil?)

Set goes off topic in his interview and moralizes. He mentions The garden


Interview - Set, Kounsil
last edited June 28, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 loogooneeng 2: 0:00:05 (olelee, omatin,Justin. Where is he from? Absakul. He looks after 2 wards mutugol and kokomasak, he looks after those) 3: 0:00:22 (government work, look after mum and dad, looking after the place) 4: 0:00:37 (we mums and dads mark someone and they become a leader) 5: 0:00:45 (A kaunsil standing [becomes a representative]? [he gets our strength?] [he represents us?] he takes it and speaks it to Wanuma [and finishes it?] [we God's people?] he will make us be good they are sorry for us [they straighten a pig?] They make things good [our hevi is finished?] We have bad behaviour like smoking pot teme memitoomung?, we do bad things. He does the right thing, he brings good thinking. They [mark] a council, he brings good fruit, they came up and now you guys are here. [Kounsil] can't put people in prison, they just talk. We are the true government, the mission is here. I've done my garden bad, bad work [is there?] today I know, the garden has come. I'm a dark man and I am bad, Steve, Rhett and Philip have come. It was like that and we had that fruit and now we're going a good way. Now I know. [If we don't do the talking work it won't happen?] [We're in shadow?] [I left it?] The mark was brought. The mark was brought to the ward and the government knows...) 6: 0:03:52 (The government splits the money and gives some to him, we're a country like USA or Australia, the government splits the money and he holds it he brings the money up and to make us happy leaves it with us to look after us. They split the money in Moresby and it comes to Madang, it's split further there and goes [to the clans?] the kounsil brings it and wanbels us. The kounsil brings it today he puts it for wanbel) 7: 0:05:18 (we don't know, if the kounsil leaves his work we'll have a talk amongst ourselves. If someone wants to be kounsil they'll say so. We don't know, it'll just happen) 8: 0:05:50 (lots of years, he talks about a few predecessors)

Interview - Aiven, kounsil
last edited June 28, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 om loogooneeng 2: 0:00:08 ihel nomooloo om ward 26 wog kaunsil ig ward 26? ig ward 25 3: 0:00:20 kaunsil endet om mehamonn ig endet om ab ogoo yab heb endet ig ripot nom oboob yab ofis yom wom yooguwa endet mohis womom wog musu ig teb holo nom nog amasi ab ogoo ni nom agamb ig yog tooloomb endet nom onn igu 4: 0:00:41 ig ab ogoo endet heb igugund omoo endet ig singu om agamb igung igisisu endet wog kounsil endet nom osoob igugund osoob haga endet ig musu megite hala ig inda ina ab ogoo musu om megite ogoo hala endet oboob womom yab piguwasi mohis yab wom ogoo igugund nom endet mee mee bili bili hiyol ogoo endet ab ogoo endet nomoong pigoond yam pannab ooguwasi yongoo libigee yam 5: 0:01:10 ig endet inda ina teme nom ul ab ogoo endet ig mee ta iluwa amoong yam amo yab womoom hobol nom angoot yam endet mohis agabi agabi womom ogoo igugund endet ig yongoo yom mu hagand yam mu nalasi endet ig ripot olug yab yab pigoot nom humann mehamonn hutee mu naga yam hum ogootooloob om ab ogoo libigee yam 6: 0:01:50 nom utugund yam omoo endet oboob ilib ig ab ogoo mohis om om mu yog esigam onnol hum nengee yam onnol om nemb onnol teme undum woonoong endet mena nom oboob nemb onnol mehamonn hiyol ogoo megite tugub naga yam omboo heleb endet ig ee om fortnait oboogot yam omboo heleb fortnait oboogoom egenn heb moni ogoo heleb nom om mu wog esigee yam onnol hum nengee yam gavman mee munum fortnait utub igugund? utub igugund utub igugund omoo omboo heleb endet onnol teme fain pigeb igu om umanob hulag ondomboo teme umanob ab ogoo igitasi nom wog fain pigeb igu nom endet onnol hum nengee yam ig mohis ab ogoo inda ina ab ogoo endet hutee mu wog eseb pigee yam humann onnol hum nengee yam 7: 0:02:46 nom ig hooyom wig ig singu om igung ig yomboo endet hooyom mohis hutee wig omboo singu hum igung musu endet mohis teenn om hum hes sann hala om yann onn hesenim ooguwa om ongoo ward pigug

Interview - Ulumo, kounsil
last edited June 28, 2023, 11:32 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (ward 26 kaunsil is olulee. Who is ward 24 kaunsil? long disussion... Elilim doesn't have a kounsil, there's a guy from Atitau who covers them, he's called Doli. I don't know much. What I know is that we have garatam, over there is olulee and Atitau is Doli) 2: 0:01:32 (he looks after our women, if we're not doing well they don't say anything, they go to the office to the leaders and tell them, and what should happen and he talks to people with authority. our mark [situation] is taken down and our kounsil gives it to the leaders, telling them how things are. That's the work of the kaunsil, but they don't give talk to straighten hevis, they don't do work with us men and ladies. They don't help us have good behaviour. We sing out with them, we see them coming on the road, when they come they don't tell us to do things, our kaunsil works like that. He leaves and we stap nating, we talk behind him? We talk badly, we don't see work from the kaunsil, we don't eat food from them, it's like that) 3: 0:02:54 (I don't know, they go to school? I'm just a place person I can't say. What they learn to be kaunsil I don't know. We're a bush people. Us in Ebesil, Tolookum, Pusila, Kobumbua our kaunsil is like that, Garatam. We're hobol people and I've said this. Ebesil gave us Galatam, he's our hobol person. The Pal people have olulee. Doli looks after over there, its like that for the bush people, I can't speak for other places. Our tok ples goes to Elilim and is finished at Kobumbua. Mokate and Doli look after Elilim, he looks after Elilim from our tok ples, Mokati doesn't come down here) 4: 0:04:57 (The work is like I've said. they say if someone has done something bad they need bung and give food, they don't get money. The work they do is like this, they don't split money, they give talk to the leaders [in town]. They tell our situation to the leaders in town. If money is given it comes, but it just goes to him it doesn't come to us. He gives it to us but we're a little les of them, it's like that and we say we should put a good person. They've taken our situation but we haven't seen any things. There's a lot of money, they give it to the kounsil, that's what we hear, but we don't see it, so we see that our kounsil is a sinful,skin person. Other places get things, but we don't. We bush people say we don't have a road. If they gave us we'd have good bels and eat what's given, but they don't do that and so we're les. That's what I have to say about kounsil. I can't tell you about other places, I can just talk about our kounsil) 5: 0:07:04 (Yes I've said they give it and they eat it, they don't give it to us. They come but we don't know about it, they just eat it. The kounsil do that and they speak to the government, they take our situation, then they break some big money for us, but they don't give it to us, they just eat it. They come and we bung, we talk, they talk about their work at the office, but we don't get the things. So we say bad things. We want to get rid of the bad person and put a good person, our thinking is like that) 6: 0:08:06 (I don't know, we haven't marked a person we'll talk. We'll tell a educated person to do it) 7: 0:08:27 (I can't say. If Silas wanted to, he could do it. We and grandpa couldn't. Has Galatam been at it a long time? Yes they gave him to us long ago, but we haven't seen anything. Silas' family would do a good job, they have clear eyes.)