Kovol story of first man - Tapulang

last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 3-1 History & Trends 3-7 Words & Language 5-1 Gods & Spirits


Date Team participants National participants
Aug. 31, 2021 Philip Soso and family, Tapulang, Nambi and wife


Sitting around the fire in Soso's house telling stories.

Steve May 2024. There's a list of names here. Perhaps something about a bird teaching people how to have sex and have children, and something about the origin of hunting for meat in Namsug. But it doesn't make much sense to me. There's not enough context to make much of it.


List of ancestors and people in Kokoma
last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

endet oboogooloob egee hamind.. mohis sisim aminim enn hiyol hiyol ogoo aminim. Sengot onn mohis egee usomoot nom ind usomoot Mokowel usomoot undub ig mohis hiyol om egee igung. Mandonn usomoot, Deel usomoot. Rona et, mege libi et uma heem et ma heem et Ingil et Lingina et Oluna Isol Ingil Benamin Iasel Imam Ilibilib Mokobee, Mokoi, Mob, Ingil, Wa, Semig, Naginn, Yoguboo, Endee, Man, Mula, Soso, BiliBil (seems to just be a list of names.)

Bird went inside woman- brukim kiau- kamapim man
last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

nom e noobug ana bonn hamand amb a deb i teb i hat oo tumag mesisoo yogumo ilat hogoond yam. enn moo indat ilib noon his holoot hogoond yam noon sila undum wombagab iguwot nom undum wombagabigot omboo yab i mohis es sonn nduguloot mohis es soonnoloot nom onn ilib sinnol oboob niyo tugub heb i onn unim boboo Namsug humann sinnol oboob yog esi heb lumatoot yog esi yasi oboob yog esi hogoond yam inda mot tatugum hot endet hamind yam inda mot om endet amb i sinnol abasi nomoong yam. Mohis unim ogoo tub i noobug endet angoond yam. Namsug mandenim omboo oboob yab esi mandoogoond yam (something about birds showing people something about catching meat? And that's the reason they went around Namsug?)

Name of woman (not normally shared)
last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

ndubundali mesisoo yogumoo yooguwa noobug endet wombagibigot nom unim egee angoom tumag unim egee angoom ndubundali (Ndubundali was the tumbuna name of the bird that had something to do with the belly)

list of people - I think
last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

Salang om manda ogoo pee embam. Pee embam onn mohis endet usomoot sinnoll mee mee teenn usomoot omboo ilib enn ama "Goloolom" et Goloolom om ubum og e angoom ilib Namsug mandet teb i onn unim bogoond et mohis om salib onn unim bogoo sinnol oboob om nom egee angoom (Pee embam made a man and made meat and all things. She said Golooloom? and then went to Namsug? Getting meat I've talked about)

Kovol tok bilong kirapim man
last edited May 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

om mohis egee ligilog tugulot om woiya andasi woiya nomol eb lilog tugulot (no idea)