Planting yams

last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:58 a.m. by Steve

1-8 Gardening & Gathering


Date Team participants National participants
July 21, 2020 Steve, Gerdine Kavaluku, Samuel, Semik, Mosligam, Joel


Kavaluku invited us to his garden to plant yams. The day before the rubbish had been cooked, and it was still smouldering away. The garden was split into 4 different areas, but we worked to plant them all together. We used the seeds marked for each area on each area. First we laid out the seeds where we would plant them, and then we loosened up the ground with a digging stick and planted them. Small seeds were planted upright, large ones on their side.


Mosiligam talks about us planting yams
last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:58 a.m. by Steve

Kavaluku talks about planting yams
last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:58 a.m. by Steve

Photobook - Silas, planting yams
last edited Dec. 8, 2022, 11:58 a.m. by Steve


Question Asked by Answer Answered by
Kavaluku showed us the boundaries between bits of garden that belonged to different family members, and yet the work seems to be shared. What purpose does it serve to say "that's my wife's garden"? Steve July 22, 2020, 9 a.m.