Spirit Spider

last edited May 10, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

5-7 Purification & Atonement 3-13 Cult of the Dead & After Death


Nuumee came on a medical day to have his wife, Makot, checked out. She had been bitten by a spider and was worried that his little brother, who recently died, had his spirit become a spider to poisen her due to being angry. I recorded his story and played it back to Silas and then Samwel (with Hulimoo) to get an Imengis version and also their explanations.

Note: In Silas's version he tells a hypothetical "if this had happened to me" type of story. I, and the people I showed it to, thought that he was talking about actual events. He confirmed that he didn't mean it literally, but was trying to answer my "when have you seen this" question


Nuumee on spirit spider
last edited May 10, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Nuumee

Orthographic text

detuung, enn isogum uum umbi detuu, oo kuugu (kes yot) oom tuubi, onn ina sigiguu kuuluut tuu kugumuutuut kugumatali yeyl oom yabi kis kuugu guu libiguu, libali koogoom, muum aya pinot nuumguu tuubuugee ebi na ilibi yog yokuub libigoom mokis ebinam obo ebinam obo tabagama tooboogooma uumguu pinot enn loogooneng noom bele mu uuguu tuguunim detuung uunguu ni yog gita libigoom, libi kobol oom agamoongoom, agamoogoomuu, bele, bele ami yog ebenam obo tebasi toonduu kuunguungann kuunn nuuluu yot tugang yot tubi enn isagum umm umunguu umbi amuunguu eyig umungum uum egee aya eyig yot uumi egee etilig yot uumi egee, enn ina makot agamb uunguu yel ebinn egee uubinn egwali, agamuum iguum makot sigiguu kuuluub tuubi kugumaga kugumatali pinot uum, pinot uuguu tuubuuguu tooboogot unguu, kobol kooyom enn kobol uum uubuub ilibi agamoongoom, agamoongoomuu pinot yab nuumbuu kuugu guu kuugu nuum utuu sigiguu kuuluub tuub kugumaga ebi na pinot uum uubuubi monduga gita ilibi kooyom agamoongoom

Silas's reaction to Nuumee's story
last edited May 10, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Silas

Orthographic text

onn amoot oo onn temee segegee utee hugumata endet ilool, ilool egee woloot oo yab his hogu yogumo yat, omboo amoot oo onn mo egee umut oom det Hes yot noom onn teb oogoomaga et. oogoomata endet ilool agabi oboogot hooya his hogu yogumo yaga onn musu endet, noom agamb endet det noom amoot, enn musu edelo ig? det amb igung noom amoot ya, onn mo endet soogul mu bili tugoosu onn musu mu bili tugoosu agamb endet Umbi onn hes yot oom det, seegeegee ogulo eleb teb oogoomaga et noom onn utee oogoo endet, pinot endeelo noom, ig yann ogoo, enn heb igugum his Enn ina mu bili tugesi oogoo inda uma oogootooloob onn hes yot noom endet, tenn enoong gita pinot noom etilig ogulo oogoo oboob igum, oboob ooyom ila amb umo minda endet mu bili tugesi ungot oomboo hes yot noom oogoo teb ennel yot tuguga hebi endet musu noom es pigoob soogootoogoom eb amb emesis hobol pigoom noom bili heleb igung *if this happens, how will you fix it?* noom noomboo musu noom his endet eb soogootoob emisis hobol pigeb bili tugub angee endet noom amb igung

Samwel's response to Nuumee's story
last edited May 10, 2023, 3:10 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

noom endet, me pinot onn temee oomboo egee tooboot noom amoot Detoong amoot hobol noom aminim onn amoot oom detee amoot onn sogu egee umut noom, onn oobwando, hogu noom. onn hogu noom ilibi endet onn su, seegeegee oogulo leb ilibi onn ina hoogoomootoot, onn teme hoogoomootoot Hoogoomootoot omboo amoot oo. pinot egeboot noom oom ongol libigee igebi amoot o, denteng oombonn et, yog yongoo amoot yog ig yobug eb libigima omboo pinot oom oboob lib egee noonoong angoom et angoom oomboo noom migima pinot oogoo tooboogot oom endeteng noom ebi loogooneng noom wi hann eb noom ilib egee noonoong amoot hobol noom egee amoot, omboo endet egee angoom et noom onn abagam yot heleb agamb umut oomboo det, onn hes yot noom onn ilibi pinot noom o temee oogoo liboot ig eb egee amoot, noom hobol noom egeng hobol tandeng noom enn hobol huligog mu egee aminim, onn hobol enn angoom tandeng hum egee angoom (tell me of a time you saw this) ig hooyom mu agamo mohis utee endetee amoot ig ig hooyom mu agam mohis utee endetee hobol endetee noom amoot ig noom enn hooyom mu ang noom onnol hobol oom, hobol oom matat amoot oo ig hobol imengis, huligog wig tandeng oom egee amoong *You've not seen a man become a spider?* ig mu hamoomung, onnol hamoot