Water cycle and earthquake questions

last edited Jan. 23, 2023, 3:19 p.m. by Steve

1-1 Geography & Weather


Some questions to try get at the water cycle, plus other things

  1. nomol eninnobob yogoomoo igu o wig? (is there water in clouds?)
  2. megite tugub nomol asam ilib einnobo yogomoo igu? (how does water get to the clouds?)
  3. mohis andu hoog heb, musu ebegee o wig? (if someone sees a rainbow what do they think?)
  4. andu hoog lagagonn yam o wig? (are you afraid of rainbows?)
  5. megite henee ogoo sib honn an hwaninn honn tebegee yam? (why do the seasons come?)
  6. mimingus yogwa ab yot aga? (do earthquakes wreck the place?)
  7. miminguys yogwa tol ab manna lebegee? (do earthquakes knock down houses?)


Interview - Dramat, water cycle
last edited Jan. 23, 2023, 3:19 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (he doesn't know. when it wants to rain clouds come and they see it raining) 2: 0:00:45 (he doesn't know) 3: 0:00:53 (when people see a rainbow they know it's rainy) 4: 0:01:14 (no we're not) 5: 0:01:35 (he talks about the work he does in the different seasons, he doesn't know why they do this, he follows what his parents told him) 6: 0:02:46 (he says a big one downs tress, causes landslides) 7: 0:03:10 (yes, they'll go outside for big ones)

Interview - Silas, water cycle
last edited Jan. 23, 2023, 3:19 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (when a cloud sweats it rains) 2: 0:00:35 (when the cloud is up the sun makes it sweat and it rains) 3: 0:00:56 renbo heb amb igung o hobol o buk ogoo egee amb igot nomboo migomb igung o God onn mohis agabi onn nononn pigot nom egenn eb igung mohis wog wondob nononn pigot mohis om mu wog wendenim eb 4: 0:01:24 (we're not afraid) 5: 0:01:34 (we don't know, we know the times) 6: 0:02:27 (little ones don't, but if combined with rain can cause landslides) 7: 0:03:11 (some houses fall down, some don't. same with trees)

Interview - Kavaluku, water cycle
last edited Jan. 23, 2023, 3:19 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (with clouds comes rain, there is water up there and when the clouds sweat it rains) 2: 0:00:23 (there is water up there, clouds sweat and it rains) 3: 0:00:39 (?) 3: 0:00:57 (?) 4: 0:01:31 (rainbows don't come in dry season, there's lots in rainy season. Dry season is for strong ground and clear skies, rainbows only come wanwan time. When it's hungry time it rains. He describes the difference between wet and dry season, more about not having rainbows when it's dry) 5: 0:04:01 (big earthquakes cause muddy areas (landslides I guess) and trees to fall down. They can fill holes, wreck house posts, sandils can fall down. They will evacuate their houses for big quakes. Quakes drop boulders into streams, they set off traps)