Interview about clouds, thunder and earthquakes

last edited Jan. 11, 2023, 9:33 a.m. by Steve

1-1 Geography & Weather


Starting questions on a few topics:

  1. megite ab ogoo enninomboo ondomboo tebigee yam? (where do clouds come from?)
  2. megite tugub eninnomboo tebigee yam? (how do clouds come here?)
  3. megite ab ogoo wononn ondomboo tebigee yam? (where does wind come from?) 4 megite honn ogoo wononn agabit teb igu? (what time is the wind strong?)
  4. megite honn ogoo mimingus yab igu? (when do earthquakes happen?)
  5. megite henee ogoo momingus yab igu? (why do earthquakes happen?)
  6. megite honn ogoo trabag amb igu? (when does thunder roar?)
  7. megite henee ogoo trabag amb igu? (why does thunder roar?)
  8. laitning om megite me? (what is lightning? - as in what's the tok ples?)
  9. renbo om megie me? (what is rainbow, what's the tok ples?)

Kavaluku gives an extensive description of rainbows and the result of earthquakes and in Water cycle and earthquake questions


Interview - Manikula, thunder
last edited Jan. 11, 2023, 9:33 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 megite ab ogoo enninomboo ondomboo tebigee yam? eninnobo ogwa tobogot om sib lebenim eb nala ab innombi eninnobo tebigee yam otugunee was omboo eninnobo agamb ilibi nom ab ingunn egee alama sib ab lebegee 2: 0:00:31 megite tugub eninnomboo tebigee yam? eninnobo nom om asam eb om taba nom sib lebigee yam eninnobo om tobogot am om endetenn sib eeg lobogot ab yombonn omboo wondogot am hwaninn om egil tala am omboo oog yati owas oboli ebinnam yagam ati om sib lebegee 3: 0:00:56 megite ab ogoo wononn ondomboo tebigee yam? wononn tobogot am nom ig om ab ogoo tobogot yam enn oyom wig. hum alee otom taba oyom hyol omboo tebegee hyol omboo liba ala oyom ann. onn aba ogoo toboogot ig oyom wig 4: 0:01:16 megite honn ogoo wononn agabit teb igu? nom wononn agabi toboogot am om onnol honn bili egee agamot agamb muti o nomboo sib lebenim eb wononn agabi isig ilib igu ilib nim pagab twol amangut wom omboo obob tala nom his oyom neleb igu megite ebinnam ogoo wononn agabi teb igu? sib honn egee lobogot am tondee oyom eleb igung wononn iligot amom onnol honn singu umann igisisu wononn om taba om eg omoo tanga yam 5: 0:01:54 megite honn ogoo mimingus yab igu? mimingus egee yogot am om endetenn ig omu singu igisisu onnol ab ogoo tenn mimi ogwa nom umi genn genn libigong 6: 0:02:08 megite henee ogoo momingus yab igu? nom onnol onn singu umann om singu igisisu onn onnol nom singumam yogwa eb igugund endetenn henee mu igu om singu yab igu henee om mu oyom neleb igung 7: 0:02:30 megite honn ogoo trabag amb igu? trabag egee angot am om ig mena mogut ogoo yogwa ogoo telebi anagut egee amb omboo trabag amb sib agabi lebegee laba nomol ogom tebegee yam onnol yom ala oyom ang yam 8: 0:02:48 megite henee ogoo trabag amb igu? nom oyom wig onnol hum trabag angee ebi, ama umi hulum om meme me nom mondu lama embigung o onn trabag ama wog tetetele eleb umi om ulee yeb igu 9: 0:03:07 laitning om megite me? otugunee melihi ogwoo, melihi egee 10: 0:03:29 renbo om megie me? andu oog eb igugund

Interview - Pend, thunder
last edited Jan. 11, 2023, 9:33 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (he says they go up and it rains) 2: 0:00:16 (when it rains the clouds come) 3: 0:00:21 (the wind goes around, there's no reason for it it just goes around) 4: 0:00:44 (when it's dry season) 5: 0:00:54 (anytime) 6: 0:01:10 (he doesn't know) 7: 0:01:16 (hungry time) 8: 0:01:24 (he doesn't know) 9: 0:01:33 (melihig, it comes before thunder. It comes when it wants to rain) 10: 0:01:57 (andu hoog, it comes after rain)

Interview - Mosiligam, thunder
last edited Jan. 11, 2023, 9:33 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (when it wants to rain the clouds come) 2: 0:00:36 (when it wants to rain clouds cover the sun) 3: 0:01:00 (it comes whenever) 4: 0:01:28 (when its going to rain its windy) 5: 0:01:43 (he doesn't know) 6: 0:01:51 (it just happens) 7: 0:02:06 (when it rains, lightning first then thunder) 8: 0:02:30 (I think he says that it happens when the lightning thinks about coming. He's scared of thunder and lightning, it hits trees, possibly people. He doesn't know of someone hit by lightning. If someone has a hevi they might get hit) 9: 0:02:55 10: 0:03:47 (he calls it nononn pigot)