Trapping interview

last edited Jan. 26, 2023, 8:39 a.m. by Steve

1-9 Hunting & Fishing


  1. megite ab ogoo hasibee pigeb igwonn ig? (where do you put Drop traps?)
  2. hasibee pigoo, om moloomunn mehamonn? teme hasibee pigeb igugund o wig? (is placing a drop trap man's work?)
  3. megite sinnol hasibee egee ebis? (what meat does a drop trap catch?)
  4. megite honn ogoo hasibee pigeb igwonn ig? (when do you make Drop traps?)
  5. megite tugub hasibee sinnol ala tugub nemb igwonn ig? (how do you prepare the meat?)
  6. sinnol hes heel nog nemb igwonn ig? (do you eat the fat and blood?)
  7. megite ab ogoo stlinn pigeb igwonn ig? (where do you put string traps?)
  8. mogom stlinn pigeb igugund? moloomunn o teme? (do men or women put string traps?)
  9. megite sinnol stlinn obogolob egee ebis? (what meat do string traps catch?)
  10. mosugog om megite me? (what's a pig trap?)
  11. megite ab ogoo mosugog pigeb igwonn ig? (where do you put pig traps?)
  12. sinnol aleg ogoo tumunn wondob igwonn ig o wig? (do you make pit traps?)
  13. tumunn wondob yeem pigeb tolob igwonn ig o wig? (do you make spiked pit traps?)


Interview - Dramat, Trapping
last edited Jan. 26, 2023, 8:39 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Womunee, Lunamond. Catches meat and I eat it. I put it on bush roads) 2: 0:00:59 (men do it. Women do some too) 3: 0:01:18 (omboogut, esigenee, elegel, otogol, obeesim - sinnasim) 4: 0:01:42 (when I'm not busy. Waiting for food to carry in the garden, after the 1st weeding. Then we might catch something to eat with the new food) 5: 0:02:17 (we take it, get olomot, cook the skin, take the legs off, cut it, cook it, cook in a pot or shove in bamboo) 6: 0:03:07 (we eat the blood on olomot, we eat the fat) 7: 0:03:33 (the same place as the hasibee, put same time as the earlier answer, when waiting for the food to be ready in t he garden) 8: 0:04:37 (men and women) 9: 0:04:45 (same as the hasibee) 10: 0:05:06 (it's for catching wild pigs, and the occasional cassowary) 11: 0:05:37 (we put it when a pig is wild, where we see footprints) 12: 0:06:07 (we don't do pit traps) 13: 0:06:15 (we don't do spike traps, my grandparents did, but I don't know

Interview - Kavaluku, trapping
last edited Jan. 26, 2023, 8:39 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (I put it in cold places in Torokum to catch food. I go and spend the night, and make it in the morning. He describes building one. Some will catch meat and some won't. At around 0:01:45 he might suggest that abagam bili causes a trap to catch something. We cook and eat the food.) 2: 0:02:00 (men make it, that's the way our ancestors did it. If a woman made it it wouldn't catch meat. We follow their advice. He then starts talking about pit traps) 3: 0:05:21 (kelegel, agann, kesegene, kotogol) 4: 0:05:43 (after we've planted yams, we want meat for when we harvest them. We put traps, strings and dig pits) 5: 0:08:14 (we put it with food, or put it in the house. We cut the legs, burn the fur, but it on olomot and cut it. Put it in water or shove it in bamboo and cook it. They eat the blood on olomot shoved in bamboo and eat the fat after cooking on the fire) 7: 0:12:12 (in cold places, same places as hasibee) 9: 0:12:33 (it catches the same animals. String traps are new, our ancestors used hasibee. We don't use hasibee any more 0:14:45, we use string. We place them at the same time, after planting yams) 10: 0:15:50 (it's the generic name for traps which includes hasibee, kegob, string and tumunn traps. You can put a mosugog for catching pigs either a string or hole trap. ) 12: 0:20:08 (I dig pits for cassowary or pigs. Today my kids don't dig pits, they put string) 13: 0:20:30 (I put spears in my pits, my kids don't do that. There aren't wild pigs anymore 0:20:54. In my paren'ts time there weren't many people and there were lots of pigs and cassowaries, now they've gone away and we put string traps. My kids put hasibee traps nating 0:21:25, but they don't do pit traps)

Interview - Mosiligam, trapping
last edited Jan. 26, 2023, 8:39 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 enn hasibee ab inda hasibee ab enn hasibee ab isom yann isom Womunee pigob agamb mandeb pigob eb am yam eb igugum aleg agabi pigeb igu? hasibee aleg hebingondoo hasibee pigong onn aleg ogoo hasibee pigob wi tugub teb hasibee eb mandeb igung 2: 0:00:30 teme hasibee mu pigeb igugund moloomunn his hasibee pigeb igung yoog woog hutam omboo eb amb igung 3: 0:00:45 hasibee igisisu sinnol wondob igot helegel sinnasim wondob ogoo his helegel wondob ogoo agann humbugut hesegenee nobug nom hasibee yogoomoo was om om wondeb igu ubi otogol 4: 0:01:05 hasibee endet mena ubub wi tugub ogoo tolob hasibee pigeb igung nobogut honn hasibee pigeb igung hasibee sinnol ogoo esimoomung ig teleb endet mena peleg omboo oboobi hasibee pigeb igung oo honn ombul ombul honn ogoo hyoll tenn endet hasibee pigeb igung wi ala hum ogoo nomboo ogoo tolob igung 5: 0:01:33 hasibeen sinnol wonda holoomot oboob igung oboob umi hipannab imi otusu ogwa omboo mogoogob eteb nemb igung ogwa eb igung eb pigoo utumind undum om hutam nomboo nemb igung nim mondugwa hyol ogoo woog heseb igung ende nom neleb igung sinnol hes nemb igwonn ig? sinnol hes nemb igung sinnol heel nemb igwonn ig? heel nemb igung hot nemb igung mesisoo eminnand nom nemb hyol luminum sinnol hol om nemb igung 6: 0:02:21 stlinn nom pigeb igugum nom isom Womunee isom pigeb ogwa om endetenn yom ubiyam neleb isamena yom nom endet mandeb stlinn pigeb sinnol oboob nemb igung 7: 0:02:43 stlinn moloomunn pigeb igung teme ogoo stlinn pigeb igugund his 8: 0:02:54 stlinn ogoo helegel oboogolob igu sinnasim oboogolob igu nobug obogoolob igu ubiheem oboogolob igu agann oboogolob igu ombugut stlinn oboogolob igu hogot undum hebingondoo stlinn oboogolob igu agabi agabi nom abagala wom bagabigeb pannabigeb yab igugund hebingondoo abagala igita oboob igung nonn sinnol ebenim eb hasibee egee pigininn o stlinn egee pigininn? sinnol ebenim endet hasibee oo pigoomung yam mohis see stlinn pigob sinnol endet nom oboob igugund hasibee mu piginim eb nom stlinn pigeb sinnol oboob igung hasibee pigeb nom sinnol wonda oboob igung stlinn oyom sogwa om stlinn ab hulum ogoo ilibi stlinn om pigebi hasibee pigob ig ogoo toloomung igu oo inda mot hasibee pigob sinnol ebemind ilib endet hasibee pigob sinnol oboomung yam igubasabas hasibee pigot yamind tatagum pigot yamind hasibee pigwo enn ebi om enn hasibee pigom yam his ogoo sinnol wonda oboob yabi stlinn om mondugwa om nalasi woog taba ig om ab hulum ogoo yab oboob tebi oboob ilib stlinn ogoo om pigob sinnol obong yam mondugwa hyol ogoo hasibee pigond yam his 9: 0:04:26 mosugog hogot abagam om mosugog pigeb igung inda mo oo hel hebigob pigemind yam (em kanda yea) hel tumunn wendemind yam mandasi hogot tutumul yogoomoo yat yam yoogwa ebemind yam hel hebigob pigob pigwasi hogot oboogolob nelemind yam hulub simonn luloonn hulub simonn ogwa ebemind yam luloonn onn unim ombul amb igung ogoo hulub luloonn simonn oboogolob yamind yam hogot simonn oboogolob yamind yam sinnol umboogut mosugog pigwasi oboogolob nelemind yam ig see om simonn abagala om oboobi hogot aleg ogoo tumunn wondob yogol simonn ab hulum ogoo om yab abagala nomboo ilib eb igung oo simonn nomboo om mosugog pigisu hogot abagala nom wondob igung 10: 0:05:26 mosugog ab yann isom minda mot pigeb pigemind yam ig pigong yam om imom yab iyom ilib simonn pigisu hogot abagala wondob igung 11: 0:05:41 sinnol aleg ogoo tumunn wondoo inda mot tatagum mot woog ogoo wendemind yam ig see om honn hutam hutam his eb igung sinnol ogoo teleb yoogwa tumunn wondob igung 12 : 0:05:56 yogob oboob lub igugund lumemind yam ig see om mu lumoomung yam enn musu hogot tolumutub igu