Making a nim halugut

last edited June 27, 2023, 2:54 p.m. by Steve

4-1 Music & Musical Instruments steve-DA


During Instruments interview Semik gave a full procedural text on making a bamboo drum that I'm going to use for DA


Process of making a kundu drum
last edited June 27, 2023, 2:54 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

nim halugut om sibelig motom ogoo endet toomalugund yam (sutim na rausim) neleb mandemind i toomalub ogooteleb heb igugund oo mut atasi egee eenn (paia lait, mut eenn) mut atasi ooguwa umi pee ogoo pigoob (a straw) pu ooguwasi wom omboo yab eb (light) egee yann yab yab yab yab i wom omboo toomalumis pooloonn hala (hole appears) ogooteleb ul undum oboob egee siligitis sibelig oboob siligiteb igitasi (i stap) mut hoog hesil (ashes, word used for ashes coating morota, correction mut igugum, removing the charcoal burn) om wi hala heb igugund oo honnot om liba (clean from ashes) heb igugund oo nim hes teleb (red paint) igugund sese sog oboob endet nalasi (sigarapim with leaf) ubilot hala heb igugund nim hes teleb igugund nim hes teleb igitasi loogoom (red) heleb endet sibelig honom nom hoogoot egee hann (knife marks are hidden) ul honom hoogoot hala ogootooloob egee amis (they comment it's done) oo (long ago) henembee hogu magab (mannab) (skin the animal) egee utis (close) utub wondoob heb igugund ama halugut neleb igugund nim ombul his sibeesibee hutee halugut etegeneng nom hutee endeteeng his halugut neleb igugund mee mee (samting long kundu) om oboob pigeb igugund henembee hutee ebeb igugund nim usebi hes (glue) hutee ebeb igugund oboob ilib endet henembee hogu mesag omboo piguwasi enn (pas) ooguwa ogooteleb usebi hes nom magab (mannab) (upim) henembee asam omboo piguwasi (enn - tobee?) heb igugund oo bubigeb igugund megitet tugub piguwasi endet henembee hogu om amb igu (drum skin will make noise) ombul hutam (3 times putting sap, goes on top of the drum skin - makes it sound right. Gluing the skin to the drum was skipped, that's banana sap) pigeb igugund oo mu ama heb i om ombul ombul pigeb igugund piguwasi ama ogooteleb amb igugund oo endeteeng egee angoot (sinagout, aka amot) bili haga heb i mut omboo ogonn (hot of fire) atasi (drying drum sking by fire) heb oo henembee hogu nom hologul hala wondoob igugund endeteeng heb logateb ogooteleb wendis wondasi egee aminn om bili hum ama bili egee angee heb ogooteleb woo henee (as bilong singsing) egee amis endeteeng nagand yam