Interviews about games played

last edited Nov. 17, 2023, 11:57 a.m. by Steve

4-2 Games & Hobbies culture-summary


  1. pibe henee teleb iguguma, nom hobol amee (tell me about pib henee)
  2. mogom pib henee teleb igugund? (who throws pib henee?)
  3. megite honn ogoo pib henee teleb iguguma ig? (when do you do pib henee?)
  4. pib henee win pigeb his oboob iguguma ig? (when you win pib henee is there a prize?)
  5. nomul matam pigeb iguguma, nom hobol amee (tell me about nomul matam)
  6. mogom nomul matam pigeb igugund? (who plays nomul matam?)
  7. marbel teleb iguguma, nom hobol amee (tell me about marbles)
  8. mohis teenn marbel telel igugund ig oo hitam hutam ig? (does everyone play marbles?)
  9. onguma munum obu lub teleb iguguma nom hobol amee (tell me about onguma munum)
  10. mogom onguma munum teleb igugund? (who plays onguma munum)
  11. minda minda megiteme inda neleb undum ogoo uta misee misee ilib igu ig? (what do dads give to their kids to make them happy? [toys])
  12. ab hulum ogoo mohis kad pigeb igugund. Yog kad pigeb iguguma ig? (people play cards in town, do you?)


Interview - Soso, games
last edited Nov. 17, 2023, 11:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (once we're done with planting, when we're relaxing in the hungry time we play. 2 players get sticks that's the food we planted. We get the pib and spin it and throw it. If we hit the stick we take the 'food' away and when it's all gone we 'see it go to the water'. We throw their mondu 'into the water') 2: 0:01:35 (everyone) 3: 0:01:51 (no, we just play for fun) 4: 0:02:12 (kids find noomul that are ready and good, they hold them and both get/pull them, the one that breaks is the loser) 5: 0:02:50 (just kids) 6: 0:03:00 (we do marbles. we dig a hole and put it in the middle and someone puts a mark in the dirt. we throw the marbles at the hole and the first to go in wins) otoosu yab igu (eveyone left gets a number and the first one to 10 or 11 dies, they are done and the player remaining wins) 7: 0:04:19 (grown ups and older brothers don't but young people play, it came from the nambis and the older people don't know it) 8: 0:05:06 (we throw it, long ago they did it like pib henee hitting a stick, now we put them in a line and we throw at the line and hit them and once it's al gone we win.) 9: 0:06:02 (children play it) 10: 0:06:22 (dads make sisi bows for their kids, they are made out of bow and shoot little things. the kids run around and shoot things. kids make little cars out of nim munum and drive them around) 11: 0:07:56 (he thinks we're talking about real cars, not cards, from the last question. The nambis has real cars)

Interview - Aiben, games
last edited Nov. 17, 2023, 11:57 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (in the hungry time we throw it, we plant a bamboo, draw a line, stand either side and then throw. If we hit the stick then it's removed. when we hit the last one we say we've seen them go down to the river, that's what we say when we win) 2: 0:00:57 (everyone, our ancestors played this game) 3: 0:01:19 (we just play, there's no wager) 4: 0:01:37 (we get a noomu) noomul peleg oboob mohis hutee haga hutee ooboogooloob mee honom ooboogooloob igita hutee haga hutee piguwa ubub ooguwa endet nom neleb igung yab honom ilot enn nom oboob yu heleb iguwot oboob mondutu haga mondutu nom eneng nom gosimb pugub gosimb haga simonn ubub ooguwa nom pagab teleb endet nom neleb igung 5: 0:02:11 (small ones, children) 6: 0:02:22 (we make hole and a line, we line up and throw. if you go in the hole you win, everyone else gets a number) 9: 0:04:02 (wanwan play. we take turns to play and go for the hole. Some get it in and some miss. When we get to 11 people are done and the last is the winner) 10: 0:04:32 (we plant a peice and then we throw, if we hit it goes to the water and when all are gone we win) (we all play) (are there any other games? yes - pegi - wata - kalabus - penn - bis - kalta) 11: 0:06:01 (sisi hem are made and they run around with them, ungum hot weleb, nim motom weleb, ambinn hot weleb) 12: 0:06:43 (we play cards, we get them from town and play. We play with no wager)

Interview - Gusubonn, games
last edited Nov. 17, 2023, 11:57 a.m. by Steve