Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(in the hungry time we throw it, we plant a bamboo, draw a line, stand either side and then throw. If we hit the stick then it's removed. when we hit the last one we say we've seen them go down to the river, that's what we say when we win)
2: 0:00:57
(everyone, our ancestors played this game)
3: 0:01:19
(we just play, there's no wager)
4: 0:01:37
(we get a noomu) noomul peleg oboob mohis hutee haga hutee ooboogooloob mee honom ooboogooloob igita hutee haga hutee piguwa ubub ooguwa endet nom neleb igung yab honom ilot enn nom oboob yu heleb iguwot oboob mondutu haga mondutu nom eneng nom gosimb pugub gosimb haga simonn ubub ooguwa nom pagab teleb endet nom neleb igung
5: 0:02:11
(small ones, children)
6: 0:02:22
(we make hole and a line, we line up and throw. if you go in the hole you win, everyone else gets a number)
9: 0:04:02
(wanwan play. we take turns to play and go for the hole. Some get it in and some miss. When we get to 11 people are done and the last is the winner)
10: 0:04:32
(we plant a peice and then we throw, if we hit it goes to the water and when all are gone we win)
(we all play)
(are there any other games?
- pegi
- wata
- kalabus
- penn
- bis
- kalta)
11: 0:06:01
(sisi hem are made and they run around with them, ungum hot weleb, nim motom weleb, ambinn hot weleb)
12: 0:06:43
(we play cards, we get them from town and play. We play with no wager)