Who is Egembee?

last edited May 29, 2024, 12:26 p.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology


Sibil mentions Egembee in Gods of the ancestors. I asked who that is.


Semik - who is Egembee?
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:26 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(we know God is with us, they gave them things and they thought it was Egembee that's what we say. Egembee is with you and he gives stuff they said. God is there and they just said Egembee, -when they were hungry- they thought Egembee and he gave food and gave meat. The grandparents didn't know God's name and so they said Egembee. Your grandparents brought the white book and they saw and said God. God gives things, they didn't know that so they thought Egembee gave it. Does anyone say Egembee now? God gives us things and so we call his name. They didn't know before so they said Egembee, but now we know and say God. So you Ingis said Egembee, did Tolookum say the same? They said it too, everyone said it. Up until the Bible came and we called God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Before the Bible came did people say that Egembee created the world? Yes, that's what they said, they thought Egembee gave them things I heard after creating everything he hid in the ground is that right? I don't know)

Mosiligam - Egembee
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:26 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(when they didn't know they said Egembee, it's bad and so now we're careful. They thought he gave food and meat. Does he sleep in the ground? They just said that, Egembee was in you and in me. Now we talk about moo, before they talked about Egembee)

Samuel - Egembee
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:26 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Egembee is in both of us, Egembee gave us food, meat and children. Do you say it today? We say it. We say Egembee, inda, God. The Bible has come now and so we say God. Does Matat say Egembee too? Yes they say it, it's the same.)

Kavaluku - Egembee
last edited May 29, 2024, 12:26 p.m. by Steve