pigs and their purposes

last edited March 28, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

1-4 Structures & Buildings 1-14 Plants & Animals 3-8 Health & Sickness 3-3 Marriage & Family 1-7 Food & Drink 3-21 Social Stratification & Status 3-4 Interpersonal & Social Relationships 3-19 Infant Care & Childhood 3-9 Birth & Dying 3-15 Social Problems & Issues 5-9 Avoidance & Taboo 7-15 Saving & Investing


Recording from the Hansens about pigs


last edited March 28, 2024, 10:53 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(we eat pigs at new years. If someone is sick we put it right by doing a wanebel, if we get a wife and it's time to do a pennam we give pigs to her parents. If we build a house we eat pig, we give pigs to people. When the side of the house is done we give a pig, or for a ridge beam or for planting posts. When the back is done me and my family eat pig. If I give a piglet to someone when it gets big we'll eat it, I'll get a cut of it.)