Genesis - beginning story from Nambi

last edited May 28, 2024, 2:05 p.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 3-14 Sex & Reproduction 5-1 Gods & Spirits


Date Team participants National participants
Oct. 25, 2023 Philip Nambi


I went down to Nambi's on the Mematonn ridge to stay overnight on 25.10.23. He had told all his sons to come together that evening and Ulumo was also there with his family. Then he shared this story about God creating people and some of the first people. It seems to be a personal clan story. I am not sure if they would be embarrassed if we checked it with others and then later in the teaching they heard that they were wrong on some points.

In hobol story of first man, a recording of Nambi from 2021 there are similarities:

  • Unemi and Mogoogool are mentioned
  • Unemi goes inside (whatever that means)
  • Tumim is a woman who becomes pregnant
  • A mohis becomes ligilog
  • inda is spoken
  • Embam hogu is mentioned
  • The location is hulum sindee

In Kovol story of first man - Tapulang, a 2021 recording Nambi is also involved, but there isn't enough context to make heads or tail of it.

  • There might be a reference to birds showing people how to have children
  • Wa and Ingil are mentioned in a list of names, but no others.

In Gods of the ancestors Sibil mentions the same characters.

  • The location is a Sombogol tree in Hulum sindee
  • Unemi, Mogoogol and Wegil are mentioned

However there are differences. It looks like 2 completely different stories.

  • Nambi says there were no people, Sibil says people came after the tongues were confused
  • Sibil's lacks any sexual undertones
  • Sibil has the spirits speaking through dreams and mostly internally, Nambi's spirits are more anthropomorphised
  • The 3 spirits create man in Nambi's version and give good thinking to use tools in Sibil's version


Nambi - tumbuna creation story
last edited May 28, 2024, 2:05 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Nambi

Orthographic text

enn hobol hutee tatugum hot hobol wogol amb igugund ig mohis egee salibigot mohis egee salibigee egee usomoot nom hobol egee aminim hagam. Ig tatugum nom nomol asam -esimbogot- yoolu nomol asam inemb agamoot. inemb agamb hat om ab hat om mee mohis wig mohis wig heb nomol asam agamb igita hulinam ham ta pet ooguwa nomol -pani yab- pet ooguwa hot hala hutam ab hulum sindee was hat mohis wig. Mohis wig heb hutee liboot. Heb liboot (ab yab -ogoo- amas) ulangum liboot. Ulangum heb liboot yab yab i hulum sindee nim soomboogool -haga- henee ogoo liboot. (A talk of mine, a tumbuna story they told about man's creation, that talk I thought about telling. Our grandfathers had a river above named Esimbogot that lay down on top a cliff. There were no people at the river. It became dark and then dawn, a place hulum sindee, there were no people. There were no people, but a man came up [a man was created], came up at Ulangum go i go, came up at the base of a Soomboogool tree.) ilib agamb musu oboot. Musu oboob hat oo "mohis wig" sinnol his nom agamoot ab hulum sindee ab agamemind igitasi musu migemb yab i ogootooloob mohis usomoot. Mohis usomoot nom ig tatugum nom e mohis usomoot nom Unemi. inda mot, tatugum mot Unemi hoogoond yam -umi na migoond- yam ilib mohis usomoot. Mohis e mohis usomoot nom unim tuhum heem musom ndugula ogootooloob. Wog mohis ombul hutam agamemind Mooboogul ogi, Wegil, Unemi endet agamb i hamind oo mohis nom usomemind. Usomb ogootooloob mohis nom ligilog -tugulog og tumbu- heleb i. -Tumbu egeng- ilib igitasi Unemi haga amoot "yog om mena moogut ogoo yooguwas" et "mena moogut -isig- heb yab mandas" et ooguwa mandasi mandasi Unemi haga om mesisoo yogumo ilat. (He [Unemi] came up and thought, "there's no people just animals". He was thinking this at ab hulum sindee, and thinking on it he created people. He created man, our tumbuna, he creared man. That was Unemi. Our fathers, tumbuna saw Unemi. He went and made man, his name was hidden -tuhum?- at first, he opening his eyes? There were 3 people Mooboogul, Wegil and Unemi, they created man. They keft and man woke up. ? they were and Unemi said "you go to the food garden!" "Walk to the food gaden!" he said. Having said that they walked and walked and Unemi went into the belly .) ib henee ogoo yogumo -iliga- ulambigot, lambiga "noonn salibee" et "noonn salibee" et. Ligilog -tugub- heb i hobol endet amoot "noonn io" et. Hum -imi- heb ogooteleb inemb igita amoot -a- "noonn salibee" et. Honn om -inom- hum bili heb -mi mi- heb abagam nom om bili pigeb hutee ina inemb agamoot. Inemb igita hobol nom ombul hutam nom amoot inda amoot "igom helee" et "inom mu igom" et oo "noonn igom helee" et ooguwa salibigot, salib amoot "inda noonn egee iguwonn ig?" et "inda noonn eninn-" et ooguwa amoot "enn hogonn" et endet "inda galas ninim" et "galas" et oo "soogul ilinim" et "galas" et oo "-woo unim- ilinim" et endet amb i galas unim agamoot nom egenn. Nom egee amoot "enn noonn inda" et Unemi amoot oo "enn noonn inda" et. (he went in deep inside. He smoked and said "you get up!" "you get up" he said. To make him alive he said "you io" he said. Just thought, then lying down said "you get up!" He saw it was good, the chest here was put good and he lay down. He spoke 3 things, father said "become alive!", "outside is no life", "you become alive!" Having said that [the man] got up and said "father are you there?", "father you will be." Having said that [Unemi] said "You see me". And so [the man] said "Father I will eat sweet potato", "sweet potato", "enough I will go up", "sweet potato", "I will go up singing the name". So having said that the name sweet potato was. That, he [Unemi] said "I am your father", Unemi said "I am your father".) Omboo endet amb i hat oo mohis om -igot- pigoot. Unemi agamb i hat oo yogumo mesisoo yogumo yat ig ligilog toboot. Ligilog -ogooteleb- egemee heleb -tum heem om- liglog tugula ligilog igita teme -isigatom- embam e hogum embam onn e nomol onn sinnol wogoonoong agamoot. Sinnol wogoonoong agamb ogootooloob ilib hat oo Unemi hosumee igita ilib Unemi nog amoot. Unemi nog amb -igito- amoot oo "ig" et -na- e Tumim nog amoot, Tumim teme om oboot. -Elen- Tumim nog agamb, agamb yab amoot "ig mohis hutee usomug" et "usomug" et Tum amoot "enn hooyom wig" et "enn mehamonn nom inda mu nong hang" et "mu nong hang" et "mu egee nenim" et "nenim" ooguwa Mooboogul ogi Wegil yog yab i hamind oo hoomoonn nom sila pigemind. Sila piguwasi nog inemb i. Hat oo undum, undum hat. Undum mesisoo yogumo om usomemind. (Saying that he put -something?- man. Unemi went into the belly and he [man] came alive. [Unemi] came out? First born was alive? The woman Isigatom Embam, -no- Hogum Embam was with the animals, then went and saw Unemi alone. She talked to Unemi. "We" she said. she said to Tumim, who had got a wife. Tumim was with her and she said "we will make a man". Tumim said "I don't know how, my work is not to be a father for us", "I won't do it." Having said that Mooboogul and Wegil showed him how. Showed him and slept with him. He saw a child, they made a child inside the belly.) Wegil ogi Mooboogul og undum mesisoo om usomemind. Usomasi onn ilib i ham hat oo Tumim nog amoot "enn enong hat oo sila wig heb angonn" et oo "mohis ombul ham" et oo "-eninn enninnot a- aleg esa penda nom nosila piginim" et heb i -unim- tumim om osila pigoot osila piguwa mesisoo yogumo mohis egee usomoot nom hobol nom egee angoom. (Wegil and Mooboogul created a child in the womb. [She - Embam] went up and said toTumim "You said you wouldn't show me", "I saw two people", "They showed me the road and I'll show you" she said. She showed Tumim. Having shown him a person was created inside. This is my talk.) Ilib tum isagot. Honn hoomoonn e sinnol wogoonoong amoot -hat a- sinnol hoomoonn nom oboob ilib i hat oo mohis ogoo pigoot. piguwa hat oo mohis es sonn nduguloot. Om mohis es usomoot nom onn undum nom Tum heem ilib -poa- es soon nduguloot. Ilib Ingil ogi Wa -nduga- es sonn nduguloot, ilib Maha Semik, Yanging, Soloobu -was holoot bee- ig Ingis mohis om ogoo famili om ogoo igung. -boo boo- hobol hebigondoo endet nong a tatugum hot hobol egee singilinn amas migingoom lama see om enn nog angoom hobol hebigondoo tandeng om endeteeng (Went up and Tum washed. That day he? spoke about the behaviour that animals have, he go that behaviour and put it with people. He put it and children were born. Man was created and Tum's firstborn was born. Ingil and Wa were born, then Maha, Semik, Yanging and Soloobu were born, Ingis family we are. Scattered and my little talk was something I heard from my grandparents long ago. My little talk is like that.)