
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

1-14 Plants & Animals 3-22 Daily & Cyclic Routines


I was working on plants and animals but I realized I needed to back up and do some work on Seasons.

Note that the transcriptions for these ones are quick and rough


Dramat on when trees fruit
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Dramat

Orthographic text

(when do mangoos carry?) neyim yonnom neyim munum niyo eb endet noom mena ubub igung mena ubub o wi tugub o isim honn yogumo egee agamb igung boo neyim munum ulugee honobugut honn eb amb igug (what times are there besides honobugut honn?) (are we currently in honobugut honn?) honobugut honn wi hooloot (so what time are we in?) (general talk concluding we actually are in honobugut honn) endet meleb igito, igisu endet honn wi hala ootooteleb oo mehomonn nolo noom ig se oom oogoo tebegee year endet, hemoond sooguwab imoomboo meleb hum agamug yab isig hala hala amung o mehomonn noolug oomung honobugunn honn iguwot noom ee imee yonnom munum hogu holo enim, hiyol oogoo noog lumoomung a yonno munum see oom igu igot oo tondee loomoong yam see oom wi heni ...neleb igisu yab wi hala oogootooloob yab mena ig ubumung noom honn wendeb noom agamoomug honobugut honn egee wi haga eb igung (what is the name of that time?) (if now is honobugut honn, what is the next season?) noom honn unim hutee mu amb igung niyo agamb endet amb hum mena ??? nemb igung neyim munum nemb, umi hulu nemb mena, hoo endet, mena ooloogot pugumog noom loogut noom nemb noom a looloomung. a see oom mena munum agamb, salab meemee loogooneng oomboo mena salab meemee his lelemb endet esee, meemee noom leb nemb hum agamb oogoom, igung yam yamung su o ...mena peleg nemb oogootooloob, noomboo endet honobugut honn egee wi ag igung wig ag oogootooloob endet, mena hum noom yoobug weleb wedeb inemb mena niyo honn eb endet noom amoong yam (so tell me again, when does esee carry?) esee bubigo noom onnol honn noomboo his. *honobugug honn noomboo esee egee luminn yannom, molusann, ulogot honn (tell me about the hemend tree) (when does it carry, when will the leaves come?) hemond honn a mena mogut higo honn oogoo huwaninn hala honn oogoo eb igung huwaninn holo honn oogoo eb igung honn huwaninn haga sib ooloogul hala embunn o sog oom elinnee ilinn eb egee huwaninn haga eb igung sog mesag oom elinnee liboogoond elinnee lib ee egee lib igot noom ig mogut higeb igung, mena mogut higeb igung sog elinnee lib o leb wi hala honn peleg egee ?? ambmoo ig mena abugutu neyim noom endet honn peleg egee yann peleg soguwa eb yab igita noomboo sib leb igu, mena noom ubub igisu sib laba endet honobugut noom amb igung noom endet oom a nang (when do homunee produce?) homunee honn oonoomboo his *mena noog oo ubug, ubub wi tugoosu* neyim hemoond oo *mena noom his egee lumis* neyim homoon honn sog egee elinne liba egee lebigee, heleb sooguwa egee noonoot huwaninn honn yogumo imoomboo hum niyoom igisi hann honn inoomboo nemb igung mena ubub ubub a homunee noomoong yam (when do avocados carry?) bookadoo endee holo his honnol honn noomboo his *menum niyo oomboo honn noomboo hutam his yobug wongoo munum noom ???? (what about vanilla?) simonn honn ende holo his, honn hemoond sog leb sooguwa egee peleg hogot amb noomboo simonn amoong endet honn noomboo honn poonoogulugee yam poonoogulub hala utung yam utub igisu huwaninn honn oomboo utusu wi hala, honn ooloogul hala, sib a lebegee hobol honn hutam oogoo mehomonn detee a nagand (what other things have their seasons?) yaga amung endet, honn hiyol oogoo sib lobo honn tooboob i yann, yobug hutee oomboo tooboob i yann eb igung noomoonn pelimo honn noomboo endet yogom og ee pelegoond yam o isim honn noom honn endet yogom og hutam hutam hiyol ogoo pelegee yam endet noom a naga niya giliminn ... peleemo endet enn hobol sisu ambi oom ee giliminn peleemo noom honn noomboo, onnol honn meemee hiyol oogoo egee amug honn noomboo hutam buguma peleegoond yam noom endet a nagand (do the garden things have a season?) mee mogut agamb agabi eb noom ...isim egee igu mena heeyig niyo lebinn honn isim honn egee yebunn onnol egee yab.. oogoo angoom endet noom yab yobug yot weleb igung osu o honn yab agabi leb noom endet, honn isim honn imoom his yab igu niyo hala hum nemb igung mena, salab, igo, igam, galas mena noom tenn hum ilis honn endet peleg oomboo oogoo niyo noom a peleg igu eb his agabi mu a heb, heb igisu yab i endet honn mogut isig holo, holo endet yab oo nemb igung mena mogut oo endet wog honn hutam wog isi yog isu endam, noom yogom hutam endet yab honn hutam honn giliminn isa yogoosoogoong a mena hiyol ogoo endet, haga hum agabi heleb his yagand yam nalasi singu oboob a noomoong noom endet noom a nang

Dramat giving a detailed timeframe of fruit
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Dramat

Orthographic text

(say again what you were saying) neyim munum haga munum lugund noom ee mesimund dugum mesag a munum lugee munum lugot noom lumub itita noom niyo hala nisu nisu o homunee honn homunee oom a munum lugee noom honn yab his ?? nisu nisu, yonnom oom a lugee yonnom hum a ???, yonnom honn tesimee, tesimee lumut noom nomoong yam yab tesi wi enim eb a naga wi haga yam

Keli on fruiting seasons
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Keli

Orthographic text

(when does homunee carry?) homunee wog ende holo his year isig oo lumut noom oo noomung see oom year sooguwa eb oongoo hoom egee lumis ?? mena oogoo ubug mena ubug igung. mena ubug igisu ilib ilib mena iluwa iluwa mena yoobug higot tolo honn oo endet ig honobugut honn ig noom nemb igung (when do mangos carry) yonnom endee holo his mena ubusu iluwa iluwa yoobug yot tolo honn noomboo ig yonnom loogoom oomboo ninn honobugut honn oogoo (and esee?) esee ende holo his (true, it's the same? and avocado?) noom endet holo his, bookadoo (what other fruit trees are there?) mena niyo, neyim munum niyo noom oogoo tenn hum, hiyo (when is rambutam's time) onnol honobugut honn his egee niya mena ubug oogooteleb yoobug yot holo oomboo meemee neyim munum wog niyo halasi nemb igung, esee homunee, yonnom, hiyo, muli, (em ol dispela samting) (and coconut?) tumom oom honn og wig. honn molum ilib munum hulub hum loogoom heleb, deteng a ligee oo (buai?) mogog ende holo his mogog honn endet (like a mango or like a coconut?) mogog wog endet, oogoo honn og moogog wog endee holo his homunee hiyol oogoo igugund, edetee his homunee meemee agulund ee yonnom hogu hala endee holo his wog mena ubusu iluwa iluwa mena honn oomboo endet moogog wog loongoong ham moogog honn yam, yab i mena wondoob uma noomboo igitoob moogog iga wi hann detee neleb igu

Keli on neyim hemond
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Keli

Orthographic text

(tell me about the tree hemoond and it's patterns) hemoond endet year honn endet neyim sog liboomung, year sooguwa oboob yab honnot honn, hebinnam mogut soogu honn sog ilibinn sog isig noom egee nelet yam esee sog sooguwa hoom ilim (does it have seeds) munum lugee yam (when?) noom munum endet, peleg egee hogot yam honn oom noomboo lugee yam enn loogooneng hooyom wig hooyom ogoo ??? honn sog ee year oogoo endet isig noom neleb tugub sooguwa hoom luminn noom year isig oogoo egee liboot noom hoo yat sog peleg egee et noom see honn oogoogul igot tamboo lugwo huwaninn August honn oogoo sog isig noom egee nelet yam eleg teleb sog peleg sooguwa hoom egee libinn, noom hemoond inoomboo oom sog sooguwa egee libinn oom endeteng sooguwa hoom egee libinn endet noom amoong yam honn munum ega loogab noom em sog honn endet pegeg eb munum lumb a ig a noomboo ig hooyom olug oogoo loogooneng mu egee noog aminim, oo isig mo honn alugee noomboo hooyom mu enim a honn sog egee libigot noom hemoond year onn oomboo isig tatugug mot endet neyim hemoond eb amind animd abi neyim sog libo amind o hemond sooguwa egee oboong hamind yam noom year oogoo hamind yam onn year ongoo peleg eb ooloogul heleb, sog isig neleb teleb, sooguwa lib endeng a nagand neyim hemoond amoong det a nolo moogog neyim hemoond noom year oogoo salangot oomboo isig hamind amo hemoond sooguwa egee oboong hemoond isig heeyig yaga, hemoond heeyig oboong

Samuel on hunger time
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Samuwel

Samuwel and Abanel about hemond and mangos
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 9:43 a.m. by Rhett

    Speaker: Samuwel