Orthographic text
(do you know this story? We'll just follow what they say, we don't know it.
So that's just a Kobumbua story? It's a story humann
Why do you think he came to tell it?
He wanted to, they're sharing a tumbuna story that they want you to know. One made a ship and one made a plane, they heard it and just shared it with you.
Do you guys have a story with a ship and a plane?
We've just heard this story. Recaps the story. you guys come by helicopter so we'd talk about that and not a ship. We don't have that type of fish here.
The thinking is that long ago ancestors some were good and left and created town and planes, is your thinking the same?
We don't know this story, our ancestors didn't tell it.
The root of it is that grandad got up.) henee nom endeet tatugum salibigoot nom salib endet onn ndugandum tripela es sondugoot nom, ombu hutam es sondugoot nom. hutee hooyom omboo yat ig hooyom og wig ab ogoo agamoot nom endet endeteeng nom wogolob nom yat i yog hooyom omboo haga oboot. (We tell stories like that
Do you know the name of those guys? Shem, Ham and Yapet. One stayed in the bush and 2 went away, he gave birth to us and that's what grandad has said. You're this, they're that, they made things and came with planes and cars. That talk they shared with them. The Bible coming is true, the two got knowledge and the one stayed nothing in his place. That's what I'm thinking.
Do you think the story is true?
We don't know. The story is just told. The Bible talks about 3 men, one work went out and two went inside. Two made things, things went on top and one didn't. Long ago they told this story, the Bible came and we understood it was true that it was 3 people who split up. The Bible came and we understood. )