Orthographic text
1 : 0:00:18
hutam, ombul, ombul hutam, ombul ombul, obugum hiyol teenn, obugum hiyol hutam, obugum hiyol ombul, obugum hiyol ombul hutam, hiyol ombul ombul, obugum hiyol teenn
2: 0:01:08
(yes, they also counted up their arms with their fingers.)
3: 0:01:36
(some say asamog bili some say seboneg bili. Imengis is Koko, Ingis and Pusi. Matat is Tolo, ebe and kobum. )
4: 0:02:39
(yes I understand it, but I'll reply in Imengis)
5: 0:02:54
(we'll speak our way. We'll write it our way and they'll write it their way like when we speak)
6: 0:03:56
(imengis nononn, matat and mondu)